12 Google marketing products that every business should have

Every business should setup, design, launch, use, and maintain the following 12 Google marketing products as a requirement to conquer the first page of Google. Business will also need owned media channels and article marketing campaigns. But, regarding Google marketing products, these are the ones they should have:


  1. Gmail
  2. Search Console
  3. Analytics
  4. My Business
  5. Maps
  6. Tag Manager
  7. Ads
  8. Remarketing
  9. Conversion
  10. Lighthouse
  11. TestMySite
  12. Webmaster Guidelines


  1. Gmail 

Every business should have a business Gmail account, mybusinessname@gmail.com

This business Gmail account will be used to setup all the others Google marketing products.

Google calls it “one account for all”. Your one business Gmail account that you will use to setup all the other Google marketing products.

You can create this business Gmail account at the Google Gmail website. Always keep your password for this account. This password and this account should be kept by your business always, and never should be kept by your digital agency.

You can allow you digital agency to be administrator or additional user with some permission to use the account in case your digital agency needs it to manage all the other Google marketing products. But, in all cases, this business Gmail account belongs to your business, and it is part of your digital assets.

You are the owner, creator, and main administrator of this Gmail account. Your digital agency can be an additional user with certain permissions you give to them, only to manage the other Google marketing products.

Gmail is a free of charge product.


  1. Search Console

Every business should create, setup, launch, and maintain the Google Search Console in order to send every article to the console so Google can index every article written and published in the business WordPress blog.

Search Console is created with the business Gmail account at the Google Search Console website.

Businesses need to add the Search Console tag to their website

Search Console also helps businesses to know and to understand the SEO metrics that happens at their websites.

Search Console has other digital marketing features that helps businesses to improve their SEO technicalities.

Search Console is a free of charge product.


  1. Analytics

Every business should create, setup, launch, and maintain the Google Analytics product.

Analytics helps businesses to know and understand all the website traffic. Where it comes from, where it lands to, how long user stays on the website, and where the user leaves the website. What pages are most visited and used. What countries and cities generate the highest traffic. What articles are the most visited and read.

Google Analytics is created with the business Gmail account at the Analytics website.

Businesses need to add the Analytics tag to their website.

Analytics is a free of charge product.


  1. My Business

My Business is the marketing product that Google offers businesses to list their businesses at the Google business listing directory.

My Business is created at the My Business website with the business Gmail account, and it helps to appear at the first page of Google search results at the Google business listing area at the first page of Google.

My Business has other business marketing features that can be used by businesses to help find new customers at Google search results.

My Business is a free of charge product.

My Business is the Google business listing Directory.

Businesses need to add the My Business tag at their website


  1. Maps

Maps is a map service that Google offers businesses to place or locate their businesses at the Google Maps to help their prospects and customers to find the business address.

Maps is created with the business Gmail account at the Google Maps website.

Maps in combination with My Business help businesses to appear at the first page of Google search results when prospects and customers search for their products and services, at the My Business and Maps area at the first page of Google search results. This position at the first page of Google through My Business and Maps is also free of charge.

Maps is a free of charge product.

Businesses need to add the Maps tag at the website.


  1. Tag Manager

Tag Manager is a Google marketing product that helps businesses to organize and manage all the Google marketing products tag at one place. It simplifies the process of tag management.

Tag manager is created with the business Gmail account at the Tag Manager website.

Tag manager is a free of charge product, and businesses need to add the Tag Manager tag to their website also.

Businesses also need to add a tag manager plugin to the WordPress website to facilitate the tag management process.


  1. Ads

Every business should have an Ads account where they can design and launch their Google Ads Search campaigns and their Google Ads Display campaigns. Ads is the Google product where advertising campaigns are created, setup, designed, launched, adjusted, and maintained.

Ads should be created with the business Gmail account, and neve should it be created with the business digital agency Gmail account. Ads is, as the other Google marketing products, part of your business digital assets, and therefore, they all should be your digital property, and they should be under your business name, and they all should be created with your business Gmail account. You can give certain roles permission to your digital agency to login and manage any of these products as your convenience, but they all should be created under your name and with your business Gmail account.

Ads is created with your business Gmail account at the Ads website.

Ads used to be called AdWords not so long ago.

Ads is the only product that is not free of charge. Google charge your business credit card for every click that your Google Ads receive, either search or display.


  1. Remarketing

Remarketing list is a display advertising feature that Google Ads Search and Google Ads Display offer to their advertiser’s customers, that allow the advertiser to display the ad several times during a period of time to those users that click on the advertising.

Remarketing lists are setup at the customer Google Ads account by adding the Remarketing List Tag to the website through the WordPress Google Tag Manager plugin and through the Google Tag manager to manage the Google Tags.

Remarketing is a free of charge Google advertising and marketing product.


  1. Conversion

Conversion is another Google Ads feature that allows the advertiser to measure those users that click on the ad, land at the campaign landing page, and make the campaign conversion at the conversion call to action button, weather to fill a contact form, to subscribe to a newsletter, to make a phone call, to buy a product, to request a proposal, to request a quote, to request a sales visit, etc.

Conversion gives the campaign owner a tag that must be installed at the website landing page call to action conversion button.

Conversion allows to measure how many users that make a click on the Ad either search or display, and make a conversion at the landing page. It is a way to measure efficient, effectiveness, and satisfaction for the campaign. It also helps to measure the campaign ROI.

Conversion tag is requested at the customer Google Ads campaign account, and then it must be install at the landing page call to action conversion button and also at the Google Tag Manager to manage all Google Tags at one place.

Conversion is a free of charge Google advertising and marketing product.


  1. Lighthouse

Lighthouse is a Google Chrome extension that allows any user to run a website performance test and get a test report focused on website SEO performance. It is a very effective, efficient, and satisfactory tool, and like most of the Google marketing products, it is free of charge.

Users just have to installed at the Google Chrome browser the Lighthouse extension and the run the test on their website.


  1. TestMySite 

Test My Site is a Google marketing product that allows any user to run a performance test on any website to measure the speed at which the website load itself at a mobile phone equipment, establishing as a good standard any load speed equal or less than 2.5 seconds.

Test My Site can be run free of charge at the Google Test My Site website.


  1. Webmaster Guidelines

Google Webmaster Guidelines are those Google anti-spam guidelines that teaches content producers how to produce content for their websites that is not spam. All the Google Webmaster Guidelines are very well explained at the Google Webmaster Guidelines website. However, as a rule of thumb, and to make easy and simple to understand, basically any content that is produced for a website must be original content, must be an original idea. Neither content, nor the idea must be copied from other website. Content must be written by subject matter experts, in their native language, and must not use Google translator if the subject matter expert copy writer wants to publish the content in another language. If this is the case, the content must be written by another subject matter expert whose native language is the desire second language for the content

Google Webmaster guidelines are also free of charge, and they are located at the Google Webmaster guidelines website.




12 Google Marketing Products That Every Business Should Have
12 Google Marketing Products That Every Business Should Have




You can read additional articles about this topic at the following articles:




This article was written on June 11, 2019.

You can read our previous article in the following link:


This article, and all our previous articles, are originally published at our WordPress Blog at https://www.msalesleads.com/category/articles/ , and then they are distributed in the Google search console; in all our social network pages and groups; in all our third party platform blogs; and in our email marketing platform.

About the Author:

This article was written by Julio R. Sanoja, owner and founder at MSalesLeads, a digital marketing agency for small and mid-size businesses in Miami, Florida. We help small and mid-size businesses all over the world, to go and grow their businesses online; position their brands, products and services online; and get qualified leads and new customers online. We have been doing this for the last 17 years. You can write me juliosanoja@msalesleads.com or you can call me 305-918-9793.

You can read our recent case studies at the following link:


Julio R. Sanoja is a consultant, strategist, and speaker about Google; SEO; the first page of Google; digital marketing; and digital advertising. Julio offers online and in company Google SEO and first page of Google consulting, strategy, conferences, training, courses, and workshops.

Our agency has been featured by Design Rush as one of the top 25 SEO agencies that can adapt your SEO strategy in 2019:


Julio R. Sanoja
Julio R. Sanoja

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