How to hire a search engine optimization company? Case Study


To hire a search engine optimization company, you have to evaluate at least the following 6 variables from the SEO Company:


  1. Consultant’s expertise.


  1. Google search ranking and featured Snippets.


  1. Case studies and specialized media coverage


  1. Articles quality and authors authority.


  1. Google website mobile performance and SEO performance tests.


  1. Qualified leads and conversion metrics


  1. Consultant’s expertise.

When businesses are in the process of hiring a search engine optimization company, to assign their SEO project, they should evaluate the potential SEO companies’ consultants’ expertise. Businesses should require the SEO consultants resume to review their SEO expertise and their SEO knowledge. Businesses should review the SEO consultants LinkedIn profile and their previous SEO customer’s testimonials and referrals. Businesses need to warranty that the SEO company that will be given the project to, must have a staff of experienced and knowledgeable SEO consultants.

SEO consultants must have read and understood the Google Webmaster Guidelines and the Google Quality Ratings Guidelines, which are probably the two most important Google SEO guidelines.

Additionally, SEO Consultants must be up to date with all the Google search algorithm changes, and one way to keep updated with the search engine changes, is to be subscribed and follow the following Google SEO original sources and the journalist that follow Google SEO original sources:

Official Google Webmaster Central Blog

John Muller – Senior Webmaster Trends Analyst at Google

Martin Splitt – Developer Relations at Google

Gary Illves – Webmaster Trends Analyst at Google

Danny Sullivan – Help the public better understand Google search

We also recommend that all SEO Consultants should watch all the YouTube SEO video classes given in the past by two former Google employees:

Matt Cutts – Former Google Distinguished Engineer

Maile Ohye – Former Google Developer Program Tech Lead

There are two SEO Consultants that we follow because their expertise, professionalism, and knowledge about SEO, and they are Marie Haynes from Marie Haynes Consulting and Eric Enge from Perficient Digital. SEO Consultants should subscribe to Marie Haynes SEO newsletter and they also should watch the weekly SEO video Here is Why from Eric Enge. Both are profound SEO sources.

Search Engine Rountable – Specialized media about Google search

Search Engine Journal – Specialized media about Google search

Search Engine Land – Specialized media about Google search

Last but not least, SEO Consultants should attend online to the annual Google IO keynote conference to learn about the latest Google products and platform innovations.

SEO Consultants and permanent learners. They have to be studying, learning, and applying all the new knowledge about Google SEO.

Because SEO consultants are forever learners, they end up being also speakers, trainers, and teachers about SEO, and they give seminars, conferences, training courses, and workshops to their customers.


  1. Google search ranking and featured Snippets.

The second variable that a business should evaluate is the SEO company search results ranking and feature snippets. A search engine optimization company should rank well at the Google search engine first page results, and should also has several feature snippets, or what Google call position zero, that is the highlighted or featured non clickable first result at the Google search engine first page results. Sometimes, these featured snippets are read by the Google voice assistant, when the search is made in a mobile, by a voice search.

Our SEO agency has the following Google search ranking and featured snippets at the first page of Google search results in English worldwide:


First page of Google results

Our SEO company gets at the first page of Google search results with the following query search phrases:

Top Google Consultants

Article marketing for small businesses

Remarketing list for small businesses

Top first page of Google consultants

Best Google agencies

Digital marketing proposal for the healthcare industry

Digital agencies for b2b small businesses

Agencies for small business in Miami

Digital agencies for small businesses in Miami

Digital agencies in Miami

AdWords agencies in Miami

AdWords consultants

Content marketing agencies in Miami

Best digital agencies in Miami

Best digital marketing agencies in Miami

Google agencies in Miami

B2B agencies in Miami

Lead generation consultants in Miami

Small business digital agencies

Evergreen articles for small businesses

Digital marketing for engineering firms

Top 10 digital marketing consultants in USA

AdWords consultants in New York

Lead generation consultants


Featured snippets or position zero

Our SEO agency gets featured snippets or position zero with the following queries search phrases:

Top Google Consultants


Featured Snippet Top Google Consultants
Featured Snippet Top Google Consultants


Article marketing for small businesses


Featured Snipped Article Marketing For Small Businesses
Featured Snipped Article Marketing For Small Businesses


Top first page of Google consultants


Featured Snippet Top First Page Of Google Consultants
Featured Snippet Top First Page Of Google Consultants


Best Google agencies


Featured Snippet Best Google Agencies
Featured Snippet Best Google Agencies


Digital marketing proposal for the healthcare industry


Digital marketing proposal for the healthcare industry
Digital marketing proposal for the healthcare industry



        3. Case studies and specialized media coverage.


Case Studies

A good case study to present to SEO project prospects is always the own SEO agency case study.

Our SEO firm presents to our prospects and customers our own agency SEO case study:

You can read about our case studies in the following articles and case studies links:


Specialized media coverage

Specialized media coverage in an important variable to evaluate a potential SEO firm to hire. SEO and digital marketing media recognizes in a professional manner the top and best SEO and digital marketing agencies that have done professional SEO and digital marketing projects in a professional and knowledgeable manner, using the right Google SEO and digital marketing methodologies and guidelines.

Our agency has been featured by the following specialized media:

Design Rush and Business Insider:

Design Rush



CV Magazine


Voyage Mia


        4. Articles quality and author authority.


Google does not measure articles quality or content quality in a direct and precise manner. However, Google measures in a direct a precise manner the CTR and the average session duration of an article, and Google publish these variables in Google Search Console and in Google Analytics. These two variables allow to measure the quality of an article by measuring its CTR and its session duration.

Google also recommends in its Official Google Webmaster Central Blog how a quality content should be written, and how to focus on content. Following the link to this Google recommendation. This is a must read to every author that writes content and publish it in Internet:

Our agency has obtained the following articles metrics:

Google Search Console

Following our agency articles with CTR higher than 5%:




The Google Search Console give another SEO important variable for all SEO agencies, and this is the number of clicks that the agency articles receive per year.

Our SEO firm has received 2,520 number of clicks during the last year, which give an average of 6.9 number of clicks per day:


Search Console MSalesLeads Clicks 1 year
Search Console MSalesLeads Clicks 1 year



Google Analytics

Following our agency articles with average session duration higher than 2 minutes:

Página de destinoSesionesDuración media de la sesión in seconds


Google Analytics also gives other useful SEO metrics that allows SEO agency to measure their own SEO campaign.

Numbers of users per years is a variable that shows SEO agency how many visitors they receive per year.

Our SEO company has received 4,783 users during the last year, which gives an average of 13 users per day:


Analytics MSalesLeads Users 1 year
Analytics MSalesLeads Users 1 year


Another important SEO variable that can be obtained from Google Analytics is how much website traffic comes from each channel.

Our agency has obtained 47 % of website traffic from the first pages of Google search results, which support the worldwide research studies that indicate that close to 60% of website traffic comes from the first pages of Google organic search results, placing this channel at the first place of website traffic worldwide. These statistics show how important is SEO, and how important is for all businesses and corporations to position their businesses and companies at the first page of Google organic search results.


Analytics MSalesLeads Main Traffic Channels 1year
Analytics MSalesLeads Main Traffic Channels 1year



         5. Google website mobile performance and SEO performance tests.


Google offers two free tools to help webmasters measure the website mobile loading speed and the website SEO performance.

Webmasters can measure the website loading speed at the following link:

Google recommends webmaster to design websites that have mobile loading speeds less than 2.5 seconds

Our agency website has a mobile loading speed of 2.8 seconds. We are working to reduce this speed to comply with Google recommendations.


Test My Site
Test My Site


Google offers webmasters a tool called Lighthouse, which is a Chrome extension, and allows webmaster to measure website SEO performance. The closer to 100 value the better the website performs for SEO.

Our agency has a SEO performance value of 100


Lighthouse SEO
Lighthouse SEO


          6. Qualified leads and conversions metrics


Every Company or business hiring a search engine optimization company should evaluate the SEO Company organic lead generation capacity and the conversion rate. These two metrics show how good is the SEO company executing their own SEO project and getting qualified leads and converting those leads in customers.

Our SEO agency gets an average of 4 qualified leads per month from the first page of Google search results, with a conversion rate of 15%. We get 15 customers every 100 leads from the first page of Google search results.

Our SEO firm also gets qualified leads from our email marketing campaigns, from our LinkedIn article campaigns, and from our networking campaigns. However, the first page of Google search results is one of our main qualified lead generation tools. Companies and businesses that find our SEO agency at the first page of Google are needing a SEO project, and they are willing to hire our SEO company more than any other leads that we get from other channels.

The first page of Google organic search results has a ROI of 800%, when it is done with Google Ads, as Google shows in this economic report:


This article was written on August 20, 2019.

You can read our previous article in the following link:

This article, and all our previous articles, are originally published at our business WordPress Blog at  , and then they are distributed in the Google search console; in all our business social network pages and groups; in all our business third party blogs; and in our business email marketing platform.

About the Author:

This article was written by Julio R. Sanoja, founder at MSalesLeads, a SEO agency in Miami, Florida. We help businesses all over the world, to go and grow their businesses online; position their brands, products and services online; and get qualified leads and new customers online. We have been doing this for the last 17 years.

You can write me or you can call me 305-918-9793 if you need our services.

You can read our recent case studies at the following link:

Julio R. Sanoja is a consultant, strategist, and speaker about Google; SEO; and the first page of Google. Julio offers online and in company Google SEO and first page of Google consulting, strategy, projects, coaching, conferences, training, courses, and workshops.

Julio and his agency have been featured at Expertise, Upcity, CV Magazine, Medium Digest, Voyage Mia, Design Rush, Business Insider.

Julio agency has obtained several Google featured snippets in search.

Our agency has been featured by Design Rush as one of the top 25 SEO agencies that can adapt your SEO strategy in 2019.

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