Top first page of Google consultants

Here is a list of the top first page of Google consultants according to their experience and knowledge published in the Internet:


  1. Matt Cutts
  2. Maile Ohye
  3. Julio R. Sanoja
  4. Marie Haynes
  5. Eric Enge


  1. Matt Cutts


I consider Matt Cutts one of the smartest and most knowledgeable consultant about SEO and the first page of Google. He was the former anti-Spam team chief at Google, but he left Google in 2016 and went to the United States Digital Service in 2018. The United States Digital Service is an elite technology unit housed within the Executive Office of the President of the United States.


However, Matt Cutts YouTube videos are still online, and they are evergreen content. I recommend to whoever wants to learn about the first page of Google and SEO to take a look at Matt Cutts YouTube videos about this topic. Second to none. Matt was my best teacher and professor about SEO and the first page of Google. Thanks Matt for all the shared knowledge about SEO and first page of Google during years through those YouTube videos. You have a bright, clear, deep mind; and paradoxically, you speak colloquial language; and that is a great combination to teach. Humble man.


Anyhow, if you want to contact Matt, you can do it through the following Matt digital channels. He might help you or he might refer a consultant to you.


LinkedIn profile page:


Matt Cutts Blog:



  1. Maile Ohye


Maile, as Matt Cutts did, worked for Google from 2005 until 2017, as a Developer Program Tech Lead. And as Matt Cutts did, Maile left many YouTube videos about SEO and first page of Google. Maile was my second teacher and professor about SEO and first page of Google. Thanks Maile. You are also a smart and knowledgeable professional about SEO, first page of Google, and Google algorithm. And as Matt did, you also spoke deep knowledge in colloquial language, which is an art and both of you are gifted with that art.


I recommend people that want to learn about SEO, first page of Google, and Google algorithm, to watch Maile Ohye YouTube videos about the topic.


Maile is currently working at LinkedIn as Senior Principal Product Manager, since 2018.


You can contact Maile through her LinkedIn profile page:


You can also contact Maile through her blog:



  1. Julio R. Sanoja


Julio learned SEO, first page of Google, and Google algorithm from Matt Cutts and Maile Ohye from Google. Julio also has been reading, and keep reading all Google SEO materials published in Internet, so he keeps updated about the topic, who is changing every year.


Julio has executed several first page of Google projects since 2002, including both for his own digital agencies in Venezuela and Miami. He is a first page of Google consultant, strategist, and speaker.


Julio and his agency MSalesLeads has been featured by Design Rush as one of the top 25 Google SEO agencies in 2019. You can read the press release in the link at the bottom of this article.


Julio agency MSalesLeads in Miami has also conquered the first page of Google in Miami and USA. You can read about it in the following link:


You can contact Julio at the following digital channels:


LinkedIn Profile:






Mobile: 305-918-9793 (Miami, Florida)



  1. Marie Haynes


Marie is a Google and First Page of Google consultant, strategist, and speaker. She has 9 years of experience in the field, and she is the owner founder of a SEO agency named Marie Haynes Consulting Inc., Search Engine Marketing Consultant.


I once contacted Marie by email for one question about the SEO topic, and she was so kind that she personally replied to my email with a very bright, clever, and focus answer. Marie was so gentle, kind, sweet, and smart enough to reply my email with a very smart answer. She showed me who she was as a SEO consultant and as a human being. Thanks Marie. I always talk about you with my friends and colleagues.


Marie not only does SEO consulting and strategy, but she also gives courses and conferences about the topic in different national events and In-Company also.


You can contact Marie through her LinkedIn profile or though her consulting agency website:



  1. Eric Enge


Eric is what I call a scientist SEO consultant. He is an engineer that goes deep mind about the Google algorithm and user intent. He knows how Google works very well. He is a bright and smart SEO consultant, strategist, and speaker.


I personally enjoyed his weekly “Here is why” videos about SEO and Google algorithm that he performed weekly with his also smart and clever colleague, Mark Traphagen.


Eric was during 22 years the CEO of Stone Temple Consulting, a digital agency specialized in SEO and the first page of Google.


In 2018, Stone Temple Consulting was acquired by Perficient, a technology firm specialized in several areas: data, strategy, technology, marketing, design.


Eric is now the Perficient General Manager and his focus is SEO and content marketing for his clients.


You can contact Eric though his LinkedIn profile or his firm website:



Good first page of Google consultants are those SEO consultants who execute a good digital business consulting to know where the business stands, and then design a winning content strategy to take the business to the first page of Google.

Top first page of Google consultants are those who know and recommend to their customers that it is through your business knowledge about your products, services, and customer needs that you conquer the first page of Google and digital media. These business knowledge has to be put in written format through an article marketing campaign.

Article marketing campaigns about the business products, services, and how they satisfy their customer needs, is one of the recommendations that top first page of Google consultants make to their customers.

Other type of text content formats is also valid to conquer the first page of Google search results, such as: research papers, case studies, research findings, products and services specifications, knowledge about the products and services and how they satisfy customer needs, Q&A sessions, interviews, press releases.





Top First Page of Google Consultants
Top First Page of Google Consultants



This article was written on February 26, 2019.

You can read our previous article in the following link:

This article, and all our previous articles, are originally published at our WordPress Blog at , and then they are distributed in the Google search console; in all our social network pages and groups; in all our third party platform blogs; and in our email marketing platform.

About the Author:

This article was written by Julio R. Sanoja, owner and founder at MSalesLeads, a digital marketing agency for small and mid-size businesses in Miami, Florida. We help small and mid-size businesses to go and grow their businesses online; position their brands, products and services online; and get qualified leads and new customers online. We have been doing this for the last 17 years. You can write me or you can call me 305-918-9793. You can see our recent case studies at

Julio R. Sanoja is also a consultant, strategist, and speaker about Google and the first page of Google, and about digital marketing and digital advertising.

Our agency has been featured by Design Rush as one of the top 25 SEO agencies that can adapt your SEO strategy in 2019:

Julio R. Sanoja
Julio R. Sanoja

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