Best SEO conferences.

Here is a list of the best SEO conferences according to their speakers, topics, and prices:


  1. SMX Search Marketing Expo
  2. Next10x Digital Marketing Conference
  3. MozCon
  4. Julio R. Sanoja in Company Google SEO Conference



  1. SMX Search Marketing Expo

Search Marketing Expo has been the leader SEO conference since 2007. They have several conferences during the year around the world.

They have 1, 2 and 3 days’ conferences with technical SEO workshops.

You can review their conferences programs for 2019 in the following website link:

Prices go from $ 900 to $ 3,500 per ticket per person, depending upon the program offered for the attendee.

Speakers are high quality SEO and SEM professionals.


  1. Next10x Digital Marketing Conference

May 2, 2019. Boston, MA.

Prices go from $ 450 to $ 695 per ticket per person. 1-day Conference.

Featured speakers: Eric Enge from Perficient Digital and Martin Splitt from Google who will talk about technical SEO.


  1. Moz Con

Moz Con is a 3 days SEO and digital marketing conference with high quality speakers.

Prices go from $ 999 to $ 1,499 per ticket per person.

You can read about the conference details in the following conference link:


  1. Julio R. Sanoja in Company Google SEO Conference

Julio gives Google SEO and First Page of Google in company conferences. 4 hours’ conference. Planned ahead of time. Any attendee’s capacity.

Price is $ 250 flat fee for the conference, regardless the number of attendees. This is an in company Google SEO and First Page of Google conference given by Julio R. Sanoja.

Julio has 17 years of experience with Google SEO and First Page of Google, and his agency has been featured by Design Rush as one of the top 25 SEO agencies in 2019.

Julio serves Florida, USA, and Latin America Market mainly, in both English and Spanish languages.


I have not personally attended to any SEO Conferences. I prefer to study and learn permanently about Google SEO and the first page of Google with Google SEO and first page of Google speakers, such as former Matt Cutts, current John Muller, former Maile Ohye, current Danny Sullivan. All of these Google current and former employees have many of YouTube videos about the Google SEO topic, and they are free and online. This is my first source of information about Google SEO.

Second source of information where I study and learn about the Google SEO topic are all the official Google websites, blogs, channels, guides, and guidelines about the topic, which I am personally subscribed to all of them and follow them. I personally follow the Google Webmaster Blog, even though it is very technical, but it is a must to read any new post. As well as the Google Webmaster guidelines are a must read and follow. The Google Search Quality Evaluators Guidelines is another excellent source of Google SEO information. Another must read Google SEO document.

Third source of information about the topic are the Google SEO third party specialized media such as Search Engine Land, Search Engine Roundtable, and Search Engine Journal, which I am also subscribed and follow them. They have good journalists and collaborators that know, follow, and keep updated about the Google SEO topic, the Google search algorithm, and they are on top of them every day.

Of course, I am a nerd Google SEO and first page of Google consultant, strategist, and speaker; so I like and prefer to be autodidact, and study and learn by myself, not just reading every day about the topic in all above sources, but also putting in practice what I study and learn, not only in my agencies, but also in my customer’s digital strategies.

So, I am not a SEO conference fan. However, I am a Google SEO speaker, so I decided to write an article about the topic. To inform the market about it and to let the market know that I also give, not big fancy SEO conferences, but educational, useful and pragmatic in-company SEO conferences, to teach and train companies SEO team about the topic. This is why I included myself in the list.

SEO conferences are great for networking and to have some fun and entertainment out of work. But I am not that sure they are the right source of information to study and learn about Google SEO, first page of Google, and Google search algorithm. However, they are a good show to attend if you want a little bit of everything, but deep knowledge about the topic.

I prefer in-company conferences, workshops and courses, given by a Google SEO consultant or a first page of Google consultant, where attendees have the opportunity to assist as a student and not like an audience.

I will keep writing about the topic in future articles, including Google SEO workshops, courses, and training. But this article is dedicated to SEO Conferences. Which are more entertainment and fun than deep learning and comprehension about the topic.





Best SEO Conferences
Best SEO Conferences




This article was written on March 04, 2019.

You can read our previous article in the following link:

This article, and all our previous articles, are originally published at our WordPress Blog at , and then they are distributed in the Google search console; in all our social network pages and groups; in all our third party platform blogs; and in our email marketing platform.

About the Author:

This article was written by Julio R. Sanoja, owner and founder at MSalesLeads, a digital marketing agency for small and mid-size businesses in Miami, Florida. We help small and mid-size businesses to go and grow their businesses online; position their brands, products and services online; and get qualified leads and new customers online. We have been doing this for the last 17 years. You can write me or you can call me 305-918-9793. You can see our recent case studies at

Julio R. Sanoja is also a consultant, strategist, and speaker about Google and the first page of Google, and about digital marketing and digital advertising.

Our agency has been featured by Design Rush as one of the top 25 SEO agencies that can adapt your SEO strategy in 2019:

Julio R. Sanoja
Julio R. Sanoja

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