How our digital marketing agency gets an average of 4 qualified leads per month? Case Study. Our Story.

This article is addressed to small business owners and marketing managers that want to know how they can get qualified leads every month through article marketing.

Our digital agency is a 3 years old agency.

Since march 2018, our digital agency has been getting an average of 4 qualified leads per month; after 3 years of executing a permanent article marketing campaign. 300 articles produced, published, and distributed during 3 years.

It took us 3 years and 300 articles to begin to position the agency at the first page of Google search results. We are just beginning.

Article marketing is the master piece of our strategy.

It has been only 3 years since we started the business in Miami.

We had a digital agency in Caracas, Venezuela from 2002 until 2015 when we decided to close the agency due to the economic, political, and social situation in Venezuela.

Our Venezuelan agency was named Empresa Web, and we executed 130 digital projects and campaigns during these 13 years of operations. Most of these customers were obtained through article marketing campaigns for search engine optimization, develop trust, develop authority, and positioning the agency at the first page of Google search results, social networks, and email marketing.

Our prospects and customers found our agency in Google, when they searched for digital agencies in Venezuela. Our second lead generation tool was Social Networks, mainly LinkedIn, and email marketing. At the beginning we also did Google Ads.

We opened the new digital agency in Miami in 2015, and we named it MSalesLeads. We knew from our previous experience in Empresa Web, that we needed to design and execute an article marketing campaign to position the new agency at the first page of Google search results, social networks, LinkedIn, and email marketing; in Miami, and other USA cities.

We have been doing article marketing for 3 years so far, and we have produced, published, and distributed near 300 articles during these last 3 years, since 2015 until the present 2018.

After 3 years of an article marketing campaign, and near 300 articles produced, our agency is getting an average of 3,000 Google search impressions per day within the first 6 pages of Google search results, and an average of 150 Google search impressions per day at the first page of Google search results. This is our qualified lead generation tool.

From march 2018 to the present date, august 2018, we have been obtaining an average of 4 qualified leads per month from the first page of Google organic search results, thanks to the article marketing campaign. Pure Inbound marketing. We also get qualified leads in a minor quantity from LinkedIn and email marketing.

The article marketing campaign is the center and master piece of all our strategy. The article marketing campaign has given our agency trust and authority in front of our prospects and customers, and also, in front of Google search algorithm.

We developed trust and authority through the article marketing campaign. It took us 3 years to achieve this important digital marketing goal, but we are happy and proud, and we are beginning to obtain the results. We are just beginning. As per our previous experience in Empresa Web, the number of qualified leads per month will increase with time.

Our agency has been featured at Expertise and Upcity as one of the top digital agencies in Miami. We have also been featured at CV Magazine as a most outstanding agency for lead generation solutions in Florida. Our articles have been featured at Medium Digest. We have been interviewed at Voyage Mia. We have obtained Google featured snippets in search.

So far, during these 3 years, we have executed 10 digital marketing projects and campaigns, all these customers have been obtained online, at the first page of Google search results, LinkedIn, and email marketing. We are just beginning to get qualified leads from the first page of Google search results. It took us 3 years and 300 articles, to position the agency at the first page of Google search results in Miami and in the rest of the country. We will keep the article marketing campaign in a permanent manner, as we recommend to our customers.

Our prospects find our agency in Miami and other cities, when they search in Google for digital marketing agencies with one of the following search terms, among others, at the first page of Google search results:

“digital agencies for b2b small businesses”

“agencies small business Miami”

“digital agencies for small businesses in Miami”

“digital agencies in Miami”

“AdWords agencies in Miami”

“AdWords consultants”

“content marketing agencies in Miami”

“best digital agencies in Miami”

“best digital marketing agencies in Miami”

“Google agencies in Miami”

“b2b agencies in Miami”

“lead generation consultants in Miami”

“small business digital agencies”

“digital agencies for small businesses”

“article marketing for small businesses”


For additional information about digital marketing for B2B businesses and article marketing, you can read the following articles:





How our digital agency gets an average of 4 qualified leads per month
How our digital agency gets an average of 4 qualified leads per month




You can read our previous article in the following link:

This article, and all our previous articles, are originally published at our Blog at , and then they are distributed in all our social network pages, and email marketing.

About the Author:

This article was written by Julio R. Sanoja, owner and founder at MSalesLeads, a digital marketing agency for small and mid-size businesses in Miami, Florida. We help small and mid-size businesses to go and grow their businesses online; position their brands, products and services online; and get qualified leads and new customers online. We have been doing this for the last 16 years. You can write me or you can call me 305-918-9793.

Julio R. Sanoja
Julio R. Sanoja

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