How we got our leads this month and what lead generation campaigns we recommended to them. Case Study.

Our agency got 5 qualified leads this month of june. Three of them from the first page of Google organic search results, and the other two from our organic content marketing campaign at LinkedIn. 3 from Google first page, and 2 from LinkedIn.

There are two types of campaigns for lead generation for small businesses. Advertising campaigns and Content campaigns. Our agency does not use advertising campaigns anymore, even though we used them the first two years of operation. Our agency has been using content campaigns since our foundation in 2015. We have written, published, and distributed so far 250 articles about our services and how they satisfy customer needs. It has been, and it still is, a permanent content campaign, which has given our agency up today, 150 daily impressions at the first page of Google organic search results nationwide.  This is our main qualified lead generation tool nowadays.

After 2.5 years of a content marketing campaign, our agency gets most of its monthly leads through the first page of Google organic search results, and the other ones through the content campaign at LinkedIn.

A content campaign takes 2 to 3 years to give results, and that is why we recommend advertising campaigns the first two years along with the content campaigns. After 2 or 3 years of the content campaign, you can pause the advertising campaigns. This is always our recommendation to our prospects and customers. The first 3 years you should do both advertising and content campaigns. After the third year you can pause advertising campaigns and keep only the content campaigns. It takes 2 to 3 years to position your brands, products, and services organically with the content campaign at the first page of Google, at social networks, and at email marketing.

At the end of this article there is a link to our previous article about lead generation campaigns for B2B and B2C small businesses, both, advertising and content campaigns.

Here are the 5 qualified leads that our agency got this month and what lead generation campaigns we recommended to them:


  1. Solar panel small business at Florida 

This solar panel small business in Miami needs to get qualified leads in Florida. The audience are home neighborhood owners in Florida that want to install solar panel at home to get savings, fiscal, and environmental benefits from solar panel energy.

We recommended two lead generation campaigns to this prospect. The first campaign we recommended was a Google AdWords Display campaign to get leads in the short term, in a matter of days after launching the campaign. The second campaign we recommended was a content marketing campaign for the long term, 2 to 3 years, to position the business in the state of Florida at the first page of Google organic search results, at the social networks, and at the email marketing; through the production, publication, and distribution of articles about the solar panels and how they can satisfy user’s needs.

Google does not know who wants solar panel at Florida home neighborhoods, but Google knows who lives at the home neighborhood at Florida. Therefore, Google will deliver the ad to the home habitants that live at the home neighborhoods at Florida. Google will deliver the ad to these home habitants at their mobile, tablet, laptop, PC, and TV.

We obtained this lead at the first page of Google organic search results. The solar panel small business searched for digital agencies in Miami and our agency appeared at the first page of the Google search results.


  1. Sugar, gluten, and smoking cessation small business at Miami 

This sugar, gluten, and smoking cessation small business at Miami needs to get qualified leads for their business. The audience are Miami habitants that want to stop consuming sugar, gluten, and tobacco.

We recommended a Google AdWords Display campaign for the short term results, and a content marketing campaign for the long term results.

Google does not know who wants to stop consuming sugar, gluten, and tobacco in Miami; but, Google knows who has visited this small business competitor’s website in Miami; therefore, Google will display the ad to the Miami habitants that have recently visited other websites that offer sugar, gluten, and tobacco cessation services.

We obtained this qualified leads at the first page of Google search results. This small business searched for digital agencies in Miami and our agency appeared at the first page of Google organic search results.


  1. Small business consulting firm at Houston

This small business consulting firm in Houston needs to get qualified leads to sell a psychological test software and a business training software to small and mid sizes businesses in USA. The audience are human resources managers at mid sizes companies in USA, and human resources firms’ managers at USA.

We recommended to this small business consulting firm for the short term results to launch a LinkedIn Sponsored Content Ad campaign to deliver the content ad to the human resources managers at mid-size companies in USA, and to human resources firms managers at USA. LinkedIn big database advertising platform knows these audiences very well, therefore LinkedIn can deliver the content ad to these audiences when they browse through LinkedIn either at their mobile, tablet or laptop. Please keep in mind that LinkedIn big advertising database is segmented by several variables, including company type, company size, company name, job function, and job seniority.

We recommended a content marketing campaign for the long term results, through the production, publication, and distribution of articles about the software’s and how they satisfy customer needs.

We obtained this qualified lead at LinkedIn, through our content marketing campaign at LinkedIn.


  1. Small call center business at Pakistan 

This is a small call center in Pakistan with 100 seats that needs to get qualified leads in USA to offer their call center services. The audience are auto insurance companies in USA.

We recommended to this small call center at Pakistan, for the short term results, to launch a LinkedIn Sponsored Content Ad campaign to target auto insurance companies in USA and their executives. LinkedIn knows the auto insurance companies in USA and their executives. LinkedIn can deliver the content ad to these executives when they browse LinkedIn at their mobile, tablet, or laptop.

We recommended to this call center a content marketing campaign for the long term results, through the production, publication, and distribution of articles about the call center services and how they satisfy the customer needs.

We obtained this qualified lead this month at LinkedIn, through our content marketing campaign.


  1. Capital loans for small business at Washington DC

This capital loans for small business firm in Washington DC needs to get qualified leads for its business. The audience are small business owners in USA that need capital for their businesses.

We recommended to this Company to launch two advertising campaigns for the short term results. One LinkedIn Sponsored Content Ad campaign to target small business owners in USA, and one Google AdWords Display campaign to target visitors to competitor’s website in USA.

We recommended a content marketing campaign for the long term results, through the production, publication and distribution of articles about the capital loans and how they satisfy customer needs.

We obtained this lead at the first page of Google search results. This company searched for digital agencies for small businesses and our agency appeared at the first page of Google search results.




How we got our leads this month
How we got our leads this month



You can read our previous article in the following link:

About the Author:

This article was written by Julio R. Sanoja, owner and founder at MSalesLeads, a digital marketing agency for small and mid-size businesses in Miami, Florida. We help small and mid-size businesses to go and grow their businesses online; position their brands, products and services online; and get qualified leads and new customers online. We have been doing this for the last 16 years. You can write me or you can call me 305-918-9793.

Julio R. Sanoja
Julio R. Sanoja

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