Pay Per Click Agencies and Google in South Dakota

Pay Per Click Agencies and Google Help You Focus on Your Business in South Dakota

Pay Per Click Agencies and Google help you to focus on your business by providing the talent necessary to properly market your business in South Dakota.

Pay Per Click Agencies take the tedious task and necessary evil of marketing off of your plate to leave you the time and energy to focus on your business. Pay Per Click Agencies are perfect for business owners who do not understand nor wish to understand the ways of the internet by taking over that task and allowing them to focus on the things they know best. Pay Per Click Agencies can:

  • Save you Time and Energy
  • Maximize Your Marketing Potential
  • Minimize Your Stress
  • Help You Grow Your Sales


…And much more!

Pay Per Click Agencies have a distinct purpose in the ever growing e-commerce world: help companies reach their fullest potential without learning a new business. The companies exist to make your life easier. They understand how the internet works and how to utilize it to its maximum potential to expand your reach and grow your business. Many small business owners are afraid of the internet and would rather maintain a smaller reach than learn how to use it. The companies that do not like either of these options know the benefits of Pay Per Click Agencies and are willing to utilize them.

When choosing between Pay Per Click Agencies, make sure you find an agency that understands your industry and your markets, is willing to work within your budget, and will help you grow without overwhelming you with too much too quickly. The right company will understand your limitations and help to bring you out of your comfort zone without making you uncomfortable.

In addition, find Pay Per Click Agencies that have worked within your market in the past, such that they know and understand your target audience and how to attract them to your business. 

Chelsea’s Boutique and Google in South Dakota

More often than not, small business owners have a passion for their business, but not for the usage of the internet to help it grow. Such is the case with Chelsea’s Boutique. Chelsea Tracy had an extreme love of fashion, but no knowledge or interest in the web, when she opened Chelsea’s Boutique. Her business partner and now husband, Colin Tracy made it clear that she could not have a business without utilizing the web. So, Colin taught Tracy how to create a website and it just went on from there. Now Chelsea says, “We use everything that you possibly can use through Google.”

Google offers numerous options for Chelsea and Colin to help advertise and grow their business. Colin, now the CTO of Chelsea’s Boutique, has estimated that Google Apps has saved the company at least $20,000 in software alone. They believe that Google allows them to compete with the larger boutiques in ways they never imagined.

Chelsea and Colin also utilize Google’s advertising between Adwords, YouTube, and even Google My Business, to help stay current in people’s minds without breaking their budget. As a small boutique, they do not have the budget many larger stores have at their disposal, however, Google allows them the ability to compete and expand their reach. “We’ve been able to reach a much larger audience than we would have ever been able to reach in South Dakota, and in Sioux Falls in Particular.”

Pay Per Click Agencies
Pay Per Click Agencies

To keep their business running and get the word out, Chelsea’s Boutique makes the most of all that Google has to offer. These tools are the backbone of their company and keep their company operating. Some of the tools used by Chelsea’s Boutique are:

  • AdWords
  • Google My Business


  • Google +Hangouts
  • Google Analytics

…And more.

Chelsea’s Boutique was created in the mind of Chelsea because she is a small-town entrepreneur at heart. She knew she would get extreme joy out of helping women find the perfect outfit that helps boost their confidence. She never imagined the possibilities. However, with the help of Google, she is shipping items all over the country, even Hawaii and offering personal styling in Greater Sioux Falls.

Pay Per Click Agencies
Pay Per Click Agencies

Colin credits this steady growth to the use of the web and Google. Because of this growth, they now employ five people and recently launched an e-commerce site. Long-term, Colin and Chelsea want to make the e-commerce site their main business. “And we know Google can help us make the leap from a small-town boutique to a national one,” says Colin.

Chelsea’s Boutique has grown and continues to grow on a scale that is rarely seen in the fashion industry, especially boutiques. They have learned how to use the web and Google to its fullest potential and continue to expand on that knowledge. With the help of Google, they will reach their goal and continue to expand as they desire, while keeping the small town feel of their original business model.

Google ( By The Numbers In The State Of South Dakota

South Dakota is known for its farmland and small town feel. However, that does not prevent business from forming, growing, and flourishing. True Entrepreneurs know how to escape the small town mentality while maintain a small town feel, and they understand the internet offers that type of growth and expansion. More importantly, they know utilizing Google and its tools will help them grow beyond all of their expectations.

Pay Per Click Agencies
Pay Per Click Agencies

Chelsea’s Boutique is one of many business in South Dakota who benefits from Google’s suite of tools and products. For example:

  • In 2014, Google helped South Dakota businesses, website publishers, and non-profits see $62.4 million of economic activity.
  • That calculates to 2,500South Dakota businesses and non-profits benefiting from Google’s tools, such as Adwords and AdSense.
  • Google Ad Grants Program raised $384,000 of free advertising to 16 South Dakota non-profits.

This article was written by the LeAds copywriter team. LeAds is one of the most experienced Google Pay Per Click Agencies, specializing in Google AdWords and Google SEO, in the United States. Please visit our website at for more information about making Google Search and AdWords work for your business.

The data and the images in this article were taken from the Google USA Report 2014.

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