Small business authority and its importance for Google search ranking

Small business authority is needed to conquer the first page of Google search results.

Small business authority is earned with the production and distribution of relevant, awesome, and authoritative content about your products, services, and customer needs.

A small business has authority when it is trusted by its customers, prospects, industry experts, users, providers, partners, and Google.

“Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful”.

One of the tools Google uses to achieve this mission is the Google search engine.

It is important for you as a small business owner that your business appears at the first page of Google search results whenever a user searches for your products or services.

To conquer the first page of Google search results should be one of the main digital marketing objectives for every small business. Either for local search or for nationwide search.

To conquer the first page of Google search results your small business needs to be an authority in its products and services.

Google publishes at the first page of search results the most relevant, awesome, and authoritative information related to the search query.

How can your small business, your domain name, and your website become relevant, awesome, and authoritative for Google?

There is a main ingredient to achieve this important digital marketing objective, and that ingredient is “content”.

Google says that their search algorithm has more than 200 ranking variables. However, Google also says that the two most important variables are content and incoming links to your website. Google also says that the incoming links to your website must be earned with the production and distribution of quality content. You cannot produce incoming links to your website, however, you can produce good quality content which itself will produce the incoming link to your website. Every analysis ends in content. Relevant, awesome, and authoritative content.

Your small business has to produce, publish, post and distribute throughout all digital media, PR campaigns, interviews, webinars and every type of content distribution, the most relevant, awesome, and authoritative content about your products, services, and customer needs. This task must be a permanent task. Content production and distribution must be a permanent task for every small business.

How to know if your small business, domain name, and website have authority in front of Google eyes?

In the past, Google offer a free tool to measure website PageRank. This tool was used to know how much authority your website had for Google.

Since Google does not offer this tool anymore, few private companies began to offer a similar tool to measure small business website authority.

These companies are, among others, the following companies:

Moz (

Majestic (

Ahrefs (

Semrush (

Each of these companies offer different types of tools to measure your small business, domain name, and website authority.

For example, Moz offer the following free tool to measure domain authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA):

You can type your domain name in the above tool and you will find out what is your domain authority and your page or website authority.


Small Business Authotiry
Small Business Authotiry


You will increase your domain and page authority by increasing the amount of content you produce and publish in your website, and distribute in all digital media, and also by increasing the amount of incoming links to your website, which at the end are obtained thanks to the content you produce and distribute in all digital media. If your content is relevant, awesome, and authoritative, then, many websites would like to link to that content, and that is how you earn your links.

Directories, business associations, and other type of business listings helps to increase the amount of incoming links to your website. However, as Google says, the true incoming links are those you earned thanks to your relevant, awesome, and authoritative content.

We can conclude that your small business will always need a content strategy and a link strategy, because both are needed to conquer the first page of Google search results, and both are needed to be relevant, awesome, and authoritative in front of your customer’s eyes and in front of Google eyes.


You can read our previous article in the following link:

About the Author:

This article was written by Julio Sanoja Rial, CEO, founder and digital marketing consultant at MSalesLeads, a digital marketing agency for small businesses. We help small businesses to go and grow their businesses online.

Julio Sanoja Rial
Julio Sanoja Rial

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