About Google Ads Search and Quality Score

LeAds featured as one of the top 10 Google marketing providers

We recommend the following practices to get a high Quality Score in Google Ads Search:

  1. In order to get a high CTR we recommend to run a key phrase analysis using the Google Keyword Planner and select those keywords with high relevance and high purchase intention. Also, we recommend to use phrase match when setting up the campaigns
  2. In order to get  average or above average Ad Relevance at keyword level, we recommend to include the keyword and the purchase intention phrase in the ad headline and description.
  3. In order to get good or excellent Ad Strength at ad level we recommend to write a relevant and useful ad copy for the user to get relevant and useful information, using all ad resources, not only the headline and the descriptions but also ads’ assets.
  4. Finally, in order to get a an average or above average landing page experience at keyword level, we recommend to have a landing page for each single product or service, with 2 seconds or less of loading time in both laptop and mobile, and with a relevant and useful content about the product or service that is being promoted. Also, we recommend an easy to do conversion in both laptop and mobile. Each single product or service that is being promoted should have its own individual campaign.

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