Adwords Services and Google in New Hampshire

AdWords Services in New Hampshire Ensure your Campaign is managed professionaly.

Adwords Services in New Hampshire help you to capitalize on your online advertising campaigns.

AdWords services are a great way to ensure your company doesn’t waste marketing dollars online. The Internet is a “winner takes all” type of environment. Your company will either see profits skyrocket or dwindle – depending on how your online advertising is done.

If done properly, online advertising can help your company achieve the profits you would have never expected. When managed incorrectly, your online advertising efforts are essentially flushing your advertising dollars down the drain.

One of the best ways to ensure you don’t waste money advertising online when you first begin using Google AdWords is to work with an expert. AdWords services from an agency or consultant may cost your company a bit of money up front, but the payoffs come in the long term.

By using an AdWords services company, you will see:

  • More traffic
  • Lower costs
  • Higher quality traffic
  • Increase ROI on advertising dollars
  • Fast investment payback

…And more!

Every company is different, and each company is at a different stage with their online advertising efforts. Depending on the needs of a company – AdWords services may be designed to:

  • Create a PPC campaign from scratch
  • Restructure an existing PPC project
  • Maximum returns on a campaign

Every campaign will always be based on the business and its needs. There is no one size fits all PPC strategy, and an AdWords agency knows this fact. So the agency will tailor-make your campaign to ensure the best results.

By properly managing your PPC campaign, your business will begin to see the powerful benefits online marketing can have on profits. Done correctly, the web can be your business’s biggest ally.

The Web is a Powerful Tool

Unless you’ve been living under a rock these past ten years, you understand how valuable the Internet can be to the growth of a business. Some of us understand this fact a little better than others. Marie and Jerry Mayotte understand this fact first hand. Since starting Red Brick Clothing Co. in 1997, the couple has used the Internet to see continual growth. Growth that would not have been possible without the world wide web.

The custom screen-printed and embroidered apparel company caters to schools and businesses. Using digital marketing as their main means of finding new business, Red Brick has seen steady growth of 10% over the last decade. The couple launched the company’s first website in 2001. By 2003, the site had grown so large that Red Brick could afford to move into a commercial space. Fine tuning the company’s digital marketing strategy has been key to the continued and rapid growth of the company throughout the years.

And things haven’t slowed down since then. According to Keith (son and vice president), “We’ve worked hard to make our website come up as one of the top Google searches. That has been very effective for us.” The surprising aspect of Red Brick’s business model is that they tend to focus on local clientele, yet the Internet has been such a strong marketing tool for the company.

Jerry has seen this first hand, as he believes, “You don’t purchase anything without searching on Google first. People learn about us online before doing business with us.” The company uses their Google My Business listing and Google Maps to help customers find their way to their website and showroom.

Being able to give directions online allows the couple to focus more on finding new business – than just getting customers inside the door. As Jerry states, “With 250 families a year buying school uniforms and needing directions, that’s a huge number of phone calls we don’t have to take.”

Adwords Services
Adwords Services

Using social media like YouTube has helped Red Brick educate their customers and engage with new visitors online. Google apps allow the company to share information from one central location. “Gmail and Google Docs opened up a whole new ballgame for us,” Keith says. “We can access them from any device and work anywhere.”

Growth is always on the minds of the Mayotte family. With nine employees currently, the family plans to hire more so they can focus on growing the business. The new employees will focus on actually creating the product and taking orders.

As of now, Red Brick builds and hosts customizable online stores that allow organizations (like schools or businesses) to create custom-printed gear for their organizations online. Demand has grown for their product, and they now plan to launch a mobile-friendly version of their site.

Adwords Services
Adwords Services

Once completed, Google AdWords and a PPC campaign is the next step for the family-run business. For Jerry and Red brick, the Internet has been a blessing. “I can’t imagine how expensive and time-consuming running our business would be without the Internet,” Jerry says. “If you’re going to be taken seriously, you need a good website that shows up on Google (” 

Google By The Numbers In The State Of New Hampshire

Using the web to fuel business certainly isn’t a rarity these days. In fact, many New Hampshire-based businesses utilize the web to make a lot of money.

Google is often at the forefront of these business strategies for growth, as the company helped New Hampshire businesses find $258 million in economic activity in 2014. Nearly 7,800 businesses in the state utilized Google’s advertising tools (AdWords and AdSense) in 2014.

Adwords Services
Adwords Services

Google also lent a helping hand to 35 New Hampshire non-profits. Through the Google Ad Grants program, the company gave away $342,000 in free advertising to these non-profits.

This article was written by the LeAds copywriter team. LeAds is one of the most experienced Google Adwords Services Companies, specializing in Google AdWords and Google SEO, in the United States. Please visit our website at for more information about making Google Search and AdWords work for your business.

The data and the images in this article were taken from the Google USA Report 2014.

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