Consulting questionnaire from a digital marketing company to a small business

Digital marketing companies for small businesses must perform a consulting and strategy phase at the beginning of every digital project and campaign.

We want to share with our readers the following consulting questionnaire that we prepared this week for a customer that wants to do a digital marketing campaign in Latin America to obtain new distributors and new end user customers for their products and services.

Our customer is a small business that sells software and Apps for small, medium and large companies in Latin America (Latam).

Our agency is a small digital marketing company for small businesses. However, we work with consulting methodologies, and therefore we always perform a consulting and strategy phase at the beginning of every project or campaign.

The questions we want to ask the customer are made to know and understand the business, its digital situation, products, services, audiences, customers, purchasing decision making process, market conditions, and competition. We want to know and understand very well all the business main areas in order to make a good analysis and design a winning digital marketing strategy.

These are the questions we ask to our customer:

  1. What is the product that you want to sell? Please describe it as much as possible.
  2. In which countries, states, cities, do you want to sell the product?
  3. In which languages do you want to do the digital marketing campaigns?
  4. What is the product used for? Please describe the product as much as possible and please describe what needs does the product satisfy.
  5. What is the product name?
  1. What is your brand name?
  2. Who are the product customers? Please describe them as much as possible. Gender, age, interests, job position, business area they work for.
  3. What type of companies can distribute the product? Please describe them as much as possible.
  4. What is the product website?
  5. What are the product social networks business pages?
  6. What words or phrases do you believe your customers use to search for your product in Google? This is for KA during consulting phase, for both, Google AdWords search campaigns and Google SEO Content marketing campaigns.
  7. What are your product competitors? Please indicate their website addresses.
  8. Please add any additional information you believe is useful to know.
  9. What are the job positions inside the companies or government that influence and make the purchasing decision?
  10. How did you get your current LATAM distributors?
  11. Can we talk to some of your distributors?
  12. How did you get your current LATAM end customers?
  13. Can we talk to some of your customers?
  14. Have you done any type of digital marketing or digital advertising campaigns in the past?
  15. How does your company make money?
  16. How do your distributors make money?
  17. What are your current distributors in LATAM by country?
  18. Are LATAM distributors exclusive by country?
  19. What are the generic Spanish description names for the product? How do the Human Resources Managers call it in LATAM? How do the IT Distributors call it in LATAM?
  20. What will be the campaign landing page for companies and government?
  21. What will be the campaign landing page for IT Distributors?


Digital marketing companies for small businesses
Digital marketing companies for small businesses


You can read our previous article in the following link:


This article was written on October 23, 2017

This article, and all our previous articles, are originally published at our business WordPress Blog at  , and then they are distributed in the Google search console; in all our business social network pages and groups; in all our business third party blogs; and in our business email marketing platform.

About the Author:

This article was written by Julio R. Sanoja, founder at MSalesLeads, a SEO agency in Miami, Florida. We help businesses all over the world, to go and grow their businesses online; position their brands, products and services online; and get qualified leads and new customers online. We have been doing this for the last 17 years.

You can write me or you can call me 305-918-9793 if you need our services.

You can read our recent case studies at the following link:

Julio R. Sanoja is a consultant, strategist, and speaker about Google; SEO; and the first page of Google. Julio offers online and in company Google SEO and first page of Google consulting, strategy, coaching, conferences, training, courses, and workshops.

Our agency has been featured by Design Rush as one of the top 25 SEO agencies that can adapt your SEO strategy in 2019.

Julio Sanoja Rial
Julio Sanoja Rial

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