Digital marketing is all about content engagement

Digital marketing is all about content engagement. You have to produce and distribute interesting and relevant content for your audience. This is the key of digital marketing. Ads come in second place.

There are four key components in digital marketing, and they are: Media (owned, paid, earned), Content, Ads, and Google marketing products.

Owned Media is easy to solve. Once you design and develop your owned media channels you are done with this task. Your owned media channels are your website, blog, social network business pages, social network author pages, social network group pages, email marketing platform, webinar platform.

Paid media is also easy to solve. Once you select the media you want to appear on, it is a matter of executing. PR campaigns are easy to execute.

Earned media is not easy to solve, because it is not something you can control. Your content engagement depends upon your audience and not yourself. Good luck here. If your content is interesting for your audience you will get many likes, shares, comments, reviews, links, citations, retweets, and finally the virality everyone wishes to get. Content is the key.

Content is not easy to solve. You have to produce interesting and relevant content for your audience so you get the engagement. The type of content for your audience will depend upon the type type of business you are in. In general, B2B businesses need articles and B2C businesses need more graphic content.

Once you produce your content, then you have to execute a second not so easy task, which is content distribution. How to reach your audience with your content is probably the most challenging task in digital marketing.

You can distribute your content in your owned media described above, and also you can distribute your content in paid media. We also add a third content distribution channel, which is display ad. You can distribute your content using a Google AdWords display campaign.

You want to use all available digital media to distribute your content: owned media, paid media, email databases, webinars broadcast, display ad campaigns. Distribution is key for reaching your audience.

Ads is also easy to solve. A well targeted Google AdWords search campaign and a well targeted Google AdWords display campaign will solve this task.


Digital marketing
Digital marketing


Google marketing products is also easy to solve. Once you setup and launch them you are done with this task.

Digital marketing is all about content production, distribution and engagement. Content production and distribution must be a frequent and permanent task in digital marketing.

With interesting and relevant content for your audience, you will get everything you want: content engagement, communities, Google ranking, customer satisfaction, and finally revenue growth.

This article was written by Julio Sanoja Rial, CEO & Founder of MSalesLeads, a digital marketing agency for small businesses. We help small businesses to go and grow their businesses online.

You can read our previous article in the following link:

You can write me to or call me to 305-918-9793 if you need help.


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