How can small businesses reach their audiences in Internet and digital media?

Small businesses can reach their audiences in Internet and digital media by the following four different manners, using both content and pay per click advertising campaigns:

Positioning the business at the first page of Google search results, both organic and paid, using content for search engine optimization and pay per click advertising Google AdWords Search.

Positioning the business at Internet where the audience browses using pay per click advertising Google AdWords Display.

Positioning the business at the social networks using content and pay per click advertising.

Positioning the business at the prospects and customers top of mind awareness using content email marketing.

First page of Google

It is very important for a small business appear at the first page of Google search results when a person searches for its products and services. This is one of the most efficient lead generation tools available in Internet.

There are 17 results at the first page of Google. The first 4 and the last 3 are pay per click advertising displayed by Google with their advertising product called Google AdWords. The 10 results in the middle are organic free results, displayed by Google according to the relevance to the search.

Small businesses can be in both places.

To be at the pay per click places is easy and it takes one day to be there. Designing and launching a Google AdWords Search pay per click advertising campaign.

To be at the organic free places is not that easy and it might take months to be there. Designing and launching a content marketing campaign. Small businesses that want to be at the first page of Google search results at the organic free places have to show Google that they are an “authority” in that topic, and to be an authority is a topic for Google, you have to produce and publish in a frequent manner relevant content about that topic in article format.

Content and Ads are the elements needed to be at the first page of Google search results. With Ads it is immediate and easy, with content it takes time and effort.

We recommend to small businesses to be at both places, paid and organic.

Google says that businesses that are at both places get a high percentage return on investment on the Google AdWords Search pay per click advertising investment. Higher return on investment than being only at the paid places.


How can small businesses reach their audiences in Internet
How can small businesses reach their audiences in Internet



Small businesses can position their businesses in Internet using pay per click advertising Google AdWords Display.

Google AdWords Display is a pay per click advertising that can be display all over Internet.

Google AdWords Display is probably the most powerful communication tool that is currently available in Internet. Google AdWords Display is a 4.000 million people database that can be targeted by age, gender, geographic location, interests, buying intent, content words, content topics, and website addresses. There is no other advertising product in Internet that can do this.

Social Networks

Small businesses can position their businesses in social networks by designing and launching two campaigns, a content campaign and a pay per click campaign.

Every social network offers their users a pay per click advertising product. Small businesses can target the social network users by geographic location, age, gender, interests.

Content campaign is social networks can use the same content that is used to position the business at the first page of Google search results.


Small businesses can position their businesses at their prospects and customers email by designing and launching an email marketing campaign using the same content that is used to position the business at the first page of Google search results.

It is important that the content will only be sent to prospects and customers and never be sent to purchased email databases.

Small businesses want to nurture only their prospects and customers and not third parties.

Small businesses can reach their audiences by positioning their businesses in these four digital spaces: first page of Google search results, Internet, Social Networks and prospects and customer’s emails. Content and pay per click advertising are the two elements to do this digital marketing task.

You can read our previous article in the following link:

About the Author:

This article was written by Julio Sanoja Rial, CEO, founder and digital marketing consultant at MSalesLeads, a digital marketing agency for small businesses. We help small businesses to go and grow their businesses online.

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