Small business owners are subject matter experts thus they can be authors

This article is addressed to small business owners.

Our advice to small business owners: You are an authority in your business. You are a Subject Matter Expert in your business. You can be an author and you will conquer Internet and digital marketing. All you need is an expert writer who can write your stories about your business, products, services, customers, entrepreneurship, and how you satisfy your customer needs.

Digital marketing campaigns for small businesses have four main components: i) Media, ii) Content, iii) Google, and iv) Ads.

You can read more about these four main small business digital marketing components in our following articles:

Media, Google, and Ads are the tactic components.

Content is the strategic component.

Content can be produced in several formats such as texts, images, videos. However, the classic content format for small businesses digital marketing is the business article.

Small business owners are subject matter experts in their business, but they are not expert writers. However, if they hire an expert writer, they can tell him or her all the stories about the business, products, services and customer needs, and the writer can write the articles for the small business owner.

These articles will later be published in the small business blog and post them at the small business social network business pages, groups and communities. These articles can also be sent to the small business newsletter customers and prospects database for larger distribution.

These small business articles will educate the small business prospects and customers, will generate trust with the prospects and customer’s community, and will also position the small business at the Internet, social networks, and at the first page of Google search results.


small business owners
small business owners


All you need to do is to tell your small business stories to an expert writer and distribute those articles throughout all the small business owned digital media and digital networks.

Do not wait anymore and call an expert writer and begin to tell him or her your business stories. You prospects and customers will thank you.

Small business owners: Be an Author.

You can read our previous article in the following link:

About the Author:

This article was written by Julio Sanoja Rial, CEO, founder and digital marketing consultant at MSalesLeads, a digital marketing agency for small businesses. We help small businesses to go and grow their businesses online.

Julio Sanoja Rial
Julio Sanoja Rial

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