Internet marketing services for small businesses

Internet marketing services for small businesses should include a consulting, strategy and proposal phase at the beginning of every digital marketing project or campaign.

Our agency does not take any project unless it begins with a consulting, strategy and proposal phase.

We have said it several times. Every digital marketing project or campaign for small businesses should begin with a consulting, strategy and proposal phase.

You need the project scope in order to make an economic proposal. And the only way to know the project scope is to perform a consulting and strategy methodology at the beginning of the project or campaign. You need to know where the small business stands in terms of digital marketing, where it wants to go, and how to fill these gap. These is what consulting, strategy, and proposal finds out.

Our agency is an internet marketing services for small businesses agency and therefore we execute a consulting, strategy, and proposal phase at the beginning of every project or campaign for small businesses.

In this article we want to share with our readers a proposal we recently present to one of our customers.

Our customer this time is a company that produces software and Apps for employees and vehicles fleet presence control.

This software company ask us to help them get new customers in Latin America. After performing a consulting and strategy phase, we present the following strategic proposal to our customer:

  1. Digital marketing objectives
  • Obtain new customers in Latin America for the software and Apps for employees and vehicle fleets presence control.
  1. Digital marketing strategy

We will reach qualified leads in Latin America through the following ads and content campaigns:

Short term results (weeks/months): Ads campaigns

  • LinkedIn Sponsored Content Display Ads campaign
  • Google AdWords Display Ads campaign
  • Google AdWords Search Ads campaigns

Long term results (months/years): Content marketing campaigns

  • Content marketing campaign to position the company in Latin America as the leader supplier and authority at the following digital places: first page of Google organic results (SEO), email marketing, Internet, Apps, and social networks. Content marketing campaign will position the company as the leader, authority, and subject matter expert at the first page of Google in Latin America in the presence control software and Apps business.
  1. Digital marketing campaigns targeting

LinkedIn Display Ads campaign will target the following audience in LinkedIn:

  • Human Resources Managers, Sales Managers, IT Managers, Finance Managers, and CEO of companies in Latin America. Companies in industries with large number of vehicles and employees working out of office.

Google AdWords Display Ads will be displayed at the following websites:

  • Homepage of main newspapers in these 4 countries.

Google AdWords Search Ads will be configured in these 4 countries when users search for the following phrases and similar:

Software, aplicación, sistema, programa, App.

  • Control de jornada de trabajo
  • Control de horario
  • Control de horas de trabajo
  • Control de asistencia
  • Control de presencia
  • Control de empleado
  • Control de ubicación
  • Control de localización
  • Control de geo-localización
  • Control de flotas
  • Control de vehículos

Content campaign will be executed through the production of long form articles about customer products and services, and customer needs. These articles will be written by an expert writer who will research about the customer products, services and customer needs. Articles will be distributed in the following customer owned media:

  • Website blog
  • Google Search Console
  • Social networks business pages
  • Social networks business community’s pages
  • Directories listing
  • Guest blog pages
  • Email marketing newsletter
  1. Digital marketing campaigns: Scope and time
  • Banner design: 1 week
  • Campaigns account creation, setup and launch: 1 week.
  • Customer owned media: Website, blog, social networks, communities, Google products, Google guidelines, Google tests, Directories listing, email marketing, design and development: 6 weeks
  • Articles production: 1 per week.
  • Total delivery time for ads campaigns kick-off: 2 weeks.
  • Total delivery time for content campaign kick-off: 8 weeks
  1. Campaigns budget:
  • Design, development, and launching of customer owned media: Website, blog, social networks, communities, Google products, Google guidelines, Google tests, Directories listing, and email marketing: USD $ 3,000 (one-time investment)
  • New domain name annual service, website and company email annual hosting service: USD $ 200 annualy. (annual investment)
  • Ads Banner design: USD $ 200 (one-time investment)
  • Articles production and distribution: USD $ 300 each article. 4 articles per month for a total of USD $ 1,200 per month. (monthly investment).
  • LinkedIn Sponsored Content Display Ads investment: To be determined by customer.
  • Google AdWords Display Ads investment: To be determined by customer.
  • Google AdWords Search Ads investment: To be determined by customer.
  1. Payment Methods:
  • USD $ 3,200 for website, blog, social network, communities, Google products, Google guidelines, Google tests, Directories listing, email marketing, and Ads banner design will be paid directly by customer to MSalesLeads in two payments, 50% at the beginning of the project, and 50% at the final delivery in 2 months.
  • USD $ 1,200 per month for the production and distribution of 4 monthly articles will be paid by customer to MSalesLeads monthly.
  • USD $ 200 annual for domain name and website hosting will be paid by customer credit card annually to Network Solutions.
  • LinkedIn Sponsored Content Display Ads and Google AdWords Display Ads will be paid by customer credit card directly to LinkedIn and Google at the end of each month, according to the campaign maximum established budget and the number of clicks the banner receive each month. LinkedIn and Google Ads campaigns are pay per click campaigns (PPC).
  1. Campaign Accounts
  • LinkedIn campaign will be setup in customer LinkedIn company page account
  • Google AdWords campaigns will be setup in the customer Google AdWords account created with the customer Gmail account.
  1. Campaigns landing page:
  • Customer website.


Internet marketing services for small businesses
Internet marketing services for small businesses


You can read our previous article in the following link:

About the Author:

This article was written by Julio Sanoja Rial, CEO, founder and digital marketing consultant at MSalesLeads, a digital marketing agency for small businesses. We help small businesses to go and grow their businesses online.

Julio Sanoja Rial
Julio Sanoja Rial

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