Lead Generation Company in Alabama is Google

lead generation company

Lead generation company could be key to new profits

The right lead generation company can make a big difference no matter what state that you live in. From North to South to East to West, the number of Internet-based companies that are in the United States number in the hundreds of thousands. They depend upon Google to get them the leads that they need to continue growing their company. A lead generation company can take them from relatively unknown or just locally known, to known all over the world, simply by using the right techniques to get them quality leads. Alabama businesses have seen a huge difference in sales using a lead generation service.

Lead Generation Company Creates More Business

In Alabama, Google created $254 million in economic activity for not only businesses but also website publishers and non-profits. There is a huge amount of money being gained over the Internet. This amount could be even higher if more Alabama businesses, publishers, and non-profits took advantage of Google and the many tools that they offer to gain leads. While it is something that can be done by anyone, would you have just anyone do your taxes or your accounting? By choosing someone who is experienced in lead generation company, such as LeAds, you can make sure that you are getting the most qualified leads possible.

Lead Generation Company
Lead Generation Company

For example, Net Direct Merchants opened their e-commerce site in November 2002. They began as a sort of marketing experiment that worked with a small company that focused on made to order fireplace mantels. The sales began rolling in. Rick Morse, the founder, said, “We could see traction very quickly. And then it became, “Oh goodness,” how do we support the interest?’ It was that moment when I realized our website was a sustainable business.” He began adding additional brands and products to his family of online offerings using the Internet to reach customers and make sales. Today, Net Direct Merchants operate several highly specialized product brands.

Lead Generation Company
Lead Generation Company

Even from the beginning, they relied on Google’s advertising program, AdWords. Rick says, “As the landscape has gotten more competitive, it’s become more important to make sure that each dollar spent is contributing to make a sale. Google Analytics help track activity so we can put more effort into things that are working and less into things that are not. Without that perspective, it would be very difficult to operate profitably. Google has been a way for us to reach those people who are looking for the types of products that we have, and to isolate and market only to the areas we can serve.” They realized the importance of using the information and tools that Google offered and went from a start-up to one of the top 500 fastest-growing private companies in the United States, as recognized in Inc. Magazine. Net Direct Merchants spend ¾ of their marketing budget online, and they believe that it has “been absolutely critical to our success. As we have grown, they’ve been a pivotal part in driving customers to the business. It’s where we got our start, and where we continue to spend a substantial amount of time and effort,” according to Rick.

Lead Generation Company
Lead Generation Company

Whether you are a small business just starting up or a business that has been open for years, a lead generation company can be a very valuable partner to take your business to a new level. They understand the intricacies of the Google AdWords tools, as well as how to use Google to its fullest.

Google Lead Generation Company Can Set You Apart

Over 13,000 Alabama businesses and non-profits used Google’s advertising tools in 2014. This number could be substantially higher, however, as there are those businesses who do not use the tools, as they feel like they do not have the experience needed. They do not even realize that they can get help or turn over this part of their marketing altogether to an expert. Lead generation services can offer a company the background help that they need to take advantage of all of the tools that Google has to offer to turn their business into a more profitable state.

While a lead generation company is paid by your business or non-profit, the money paid can be far outweighed by the profits that can be made. The key is to find the right lead generation service for your particular business, whether you are selling a product or offering a service.

Google Provides Free Advertising to Non-Profits https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/

The Google Ad Grants program provided free advertising to 36 Alabama non-profits during 2014. This free advertising added up to almost $1.2 million dollars. If you have a non-profit, this is something that you want to check out, as it can help you to raise more money for your non-profit’s focus and need.

The different types of online businesses mean that any marketing strategy should be customized to your particular business. A lead generation company can customize your marketing plan on AdWords and AdSense to be sure that every dollar spent is meaningful and profitable. While you may think that you are doing okay with online sales, if you are not taking advantage of the Google marketing tools, you are missing out. They can take your business to a more profitable level and help you to grow it to the level you have always dreamed of.

If you are looking for some help with Google AdWords and AdSense, LeAds is one lead generation company to consider. Give them a call to put your company in a new position that will make you more relevant on Google and to your prospective clients and customers. AdWords and other Google tools can be your key to taking your business to a new level.

This article was written by the LeAds copywriter team. LeAds is a Google Lead Generation Company Agency (www.google.com), who specializes in Google AdWords https://www.google.com/adwords/ and Google SEO, in the United States. Please visit our website at www.msalesleads.com for more information about making Google Search and AdWords work for your business or non-profit.

“The data in this article was based on the Google USA Report 2014.”

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