Local SEO Company for small business

Local SEO Company in Oklahoma Uses Google to Help Get the Community Invested.

Local SEO company in Oklahoma uses Google to bring your business to the community and get your neighbors involved and invested in you.

Local SEO company can bring the term “Shop Local” to your virtual doorstep with a click of the mouse. In today’s economic climate, the consumer war is between corporate America and the little local store down the road. Shop Local is a huge movement that encompasses both the brick and mortar world and the e-commerce market. When you can win both the physical and virtual “war” on commerce, the community at large wins. The benefits to using a local SEO company are too numerous to list in full; however, some of the benefits include the ability to:

  • Maintain Local Roots
  • Appeal to Your Customers
  • Get the Most out of your Internet Presence
  • Create a Lasting Impression

…And More.

A local SEO company not only understands the internet and its constantly changing algorithms, but the local community and what they see as important. Keywords are then able to be adjusted to local lingo as opposed to industry jargon to reach a larger client base. You maintain your company’s integrity and feel without losing any parts of a key marketing strategy.

A local SEO company will also help you feel at ease providing someone else with the keys to your kingdom. By being local, you know they are accessible which allows you to have more than the average business owner’s input into marketing ideas and strategies. They become part of your team, not just your invoicing vendor.

In the world of constant on-the-go, move-move-move mentalities, it is important to be able to slip in as needed and fill a void quickly, easily, and conveniently. A local SEO company can help you achieve this goal by understanding your true marketing plan and how it operates. You would not trust a dispatcher in rural Oklahoma to provide accurate drive times in congested New York City, so why would you trust an SEO company in New York City to understand the everyday interests and issues affecting the person living in rural Oklahoma?

Café Evoke and Google in Oklahoma

Most cities have a coffee shop on every corner and a Starbucks on the other. Therefore, in order to stand out they have to combine a great idea with a great marketing plan. Café Evoke (aka, EVOKE) did just that. Their slogan “Come sip with us” is simple and well suited for the environment Jason and Jenni Duncan envisioned when they opened their coffee bar in 2012. “We wanted to create a dialogue. We did not know what that meant or how it would pan out, but we did know that we wanted to be with people crafting drinks and food that made people happy. Serving coffee, or any food or drink really, is an intimate thing and we love that responsibility,” says Jason. In 2005, they opened their doors as a mobile business, but their popularity led them to open their brick and mortar location in which they currently serve about 200 customers daily and manage fifteen employees.

Local SEO Company
Local SEO Company

EVOKE relied heavily on the internet to build their brand. “In fact, I’m not sure we would have grown the way we did, nor do I think I would have been able to pull off this type of business without the web and the connections it allowed me.” SEO obviously played a large part in this strategy. In order to be found without the use of paid advertising, SEO algorithms require amazing, quality content. As a matter of fact, influences are key and you obtain word of mouth and influence through a solid SEO campaign geared towards the right audience.

EVOKE used numerous Google Tools to also help build their presence and spread the word about their new location. Google Analytics helped him see his efforts and how they paid off in the long run. From there, Google Apps became a key to his success, allowing him access to Google Drive, Calendar, and Gmail. “Google powers our mobile coffee business through Google Calendar and Google Drive, which we expect to grow even more by the end of the year.” EVOKE relies on these, and other Google Tools, to raise awareness of EVOK and its misión:

  • Google +
  • Google Drive
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Apps

…And More.

In the future, Jason and Jenni plan to bring EVOKE to more people. “For the next few years, we hope to really grow our mobile operations. We want to be one of the premier coffee truck companies in the US featuring our craft coffee and waffles at events across Oklahoma and beyond.” They understand the importance of the internet to achieve this goal. “Seeing our regulars interact with our staff like they are family is something I wouldn’t trade for anything. Being ‘that spot’ for people who come to have a great time with friends makes all the hard work worth it.”

Local SEO Company
Local SEO Company

Google By The Numbers In The State Of Oklahoma

Oklahoma is a beautiful mixture of America’s heartland and entrepreneurship. Many college students attend the universities and stay for life, building businesses and following their dreams. Google’s Tools help these entrepreneurs achieve their dreams and beyond while enjoying the beauty of Middle America.

Local SEO Company
Local SEO Company

Café Evoke is one of many businesses and non-profit organizations in Ohio that benefits from Google’s suite of tools and products. For example:

  • In 2013, Google helped Oklahoma businesses, website publishers, and non-profits see $199 million of economic activity.
  • That calculates to 10,000 Oklahoma businesses and non-profits benefiting from Google’s tools, such as AdWords and AdSense.
  • Google Ad Grants Program raised $208,000 of free advertising for 8 Oklahoma non-profits.

This article was written by the LeAds copywriting team. LeAds is one of the most experienced Google SEO Companies specializing in Google AdWords and Google SEO in the United States. Please visit our website at www.msalesleads.com for more information about making Google Search and AdWords work for your business.

The data in this article was based on the Google USA Report 2013.

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