The 5 P´s of Digital Content Marketing for Small Business

Produce, Publish, Post, Promote and Position.

It is very tough for an engineer to sit down and write an article. We engineers are not used to write articles as journalists and economists are. We engineers are used to communicate with formulas, tables, graphs, drawings, equations, algorithms, as photographers are used to communicate with pictures. However, here we go. Breathe slowly and do it. Go ahead. I hope you will like it and enjoy it.

This article is intended to teach small business owners a discipline and a Cartesian methodology on how to promote their digital marketing content in Internet.

Small businesses should produce content that educate their audience, customers, and prospect customers. In this article I will describe a 5 phases methodology on how to manage that content efficiently, and this is what I call the 5 P´s of digital content marketing: Produce, Publish, Post, Promote, and Position.


This is the most important phase, obviously. This is the content production phase. The piece of content to be produced has to follow the content marketing strategy previously designed. The content can be an article, an infographic, an eBook, a manual, a power point presentation, a video, a podcast, a picture. What is important in this phase is to follow the content marketing strategy. We will talk about content marketing strategy in the next article.


This is an easy phase. In this phase all you have to do is to publish the content in your WordPress Blog, following the technical recommendations of the Yoast SEO plugin previously installed in the WordPress Blog and having setup the Newsletter previously, so the content is sent monthly to the newsletter subscribers.

Content Marketing
Content Marketing


Content Marketing
Content Marketing



This is also an easy phase. In this phase all you have to do is to post the content link in your social network business, groups and personal pages and in your Google marketing products: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, LinkedIn Pulse, Google My Business, Instagram, YouTube, Soundcloud, Slideshare, Google Search Console, Google Communities pages.

Content Marketing
Content Marketing



This is not an easy phase. This is probably the most difficult phase after the production phase. In this phase you have to send the piece of content to all the audiences in Internet that will appreciate that type of content. Audiences that might be interested in the content. Some ideas are: Universities, Colleges, Business Associations, Industry Associations, Newspapers, Magazines, Blogs, Forums, and Communities. You have to think and be creative in this phase such a way you can find out who in Internet can appreciate the content you have produced. This is the phase that will give you the follow backlinks that you need to have in order to be at the first page of Google search results when you do Google SEO.


This is not an easy phase either, but needs to be done. This is the phase where you will “spread out the word” and you will send the content to the segmented masses in Internet thanks to the Big Data Marketing services that Google AdWords and Facebook Ads offers to the small businesses. Google AdWords has 2 products, Google AdWords Search and Google AdWords Display. With Google AdWords Search you can position the content in the first page of Google when users search for that type of content. With Google AdWords Display you can position the content in all the websites where the audience browses, by segmenting the 3.000.000 Internet users by several variables: geographic area, age, sex, interests; and by segmenting the Internet content by several variables: websites, content themes, and keywords. With Facebook Ads you can position the content in Facebook by segmenting the 1.500.000 Facebook users by several variables: geographic area, age, sex, interests, place of study, place of work.

As Buda used to say to his disciples, “don’t believe anything I tell you, unless you experience it yourself”. Small businesses have an opportunity to experience themselves the 5 p´s of digital content marketing. Probably their brand top of mind awareness and their lead generation will increase due to the education of their audience if they produce educational content and spread it out with the 5 P´s of digital content marketing. You might also get by default the first page of Google search results. Google luck!!

Following there is YouTube video about content marketing for small business created by Google Small Business team:


You can read our previous article in the following link:

About the Author:

This article was written by Julio R. Sanoja, SEO Consultant, author, and professor at MSalesLeads, a SEO agency in Miami, Florida. We help businesses all over the world, to grow their businesses online; position their brands, products and services; and get qualified leads and new customers. We have been doing this for the last 17 years.

You can write me or you can call me 305-918-9793 if you need our services.

You can read our recent case studies at the following link:

Julio R. Sanoja is a consultant, strategist, and speaker about Google; SEO; and the first page of Google. Julio offers online and in company Google SEO and first page of Google consulting, strategy, projects, coaching, conferences, training, courses, and workshops.

Julio and his agency have been featured at Expertise, Upcity, CV Magazine, Medium Digest, Voyage Mia, Design Rush, Business Insider.

Our agency website has obtained several Google featured snippets in search.

We have been featured by Design Rush as one of the top 25 SEO agencies that can adapt your SEO strategy in 2019.

Julio R. Sanoja
Julio R. Sanoja

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