Pay Per Click Company and Google in Rhode Island

Pay Per Click Company Helps Make Google Work For You in Rhode Island

Pay Per Click Company may be right for you If you want to get the most out of Google for your business in Rhode Island

Pay Per Click Company can help you make the most of what Google has to offer businesses with a large e-commerce presence. By using a Pay Per Click Company, you are helping your business grow while keeping the guesswork to a minimum. A Pay Per Click Company can:

  • Keep you in front of your target clientele
  • Help grow your business
  • Maximize your business potential
  • Keep your marketing fresh and on target

…And much more!

A Pay Per Click Company’s goal is to keep your business fresh and help it grow. This type of company is designed to know the internet and Google in relation to business marketing, while staying on top of the new trends that occur daily. Utilizing a Pay Per Click Company helps keep the guesswork out of online marketing by leaving it to the professionals. By working with a Pay Per Click Company, you are allowing your staff to grow the services and abilities of your business so your business continues to be innovative while your Pay Per Click Company grows your marketing power.

When choosing a Pay Per Click Company, it is important find a company that keeps up to date on their market research revolving around Google and advertising. A good company will know your market and research new trends, constantly changing and updating their strategy to stay ahead of the trends. This company will be a leader in the industry, understanding Google and its tools at every turn.

In addition, your Pay per Click Company will know your industry trends beyond marketing. This company will work hard to keep your company fresh and relevant, showcasing your company as the industry leader. 

Display2Go and Google in Rhode Island

Some business must learn to change with the times. Displays2Go  did just that. Displays2Go formed in 1974 as a custom acrylic display firm. In the beginning, George Patton, the owner, utilized a handwritten brochure, which grew to become a direct mail catalog to advertise his company. Them in 1992 he sold his business to his two sons. According to Greg Banks, the current Vice President of Marketing, the sons “realized the internet was the wave of the future.” Banks said the company has “always tried to stay on the cutting edge of things instead of being reactive.” As a result, the company has grown to offer over 7,000 display products, including marketing displays and even small donation boxes for retail counters.

“The bulk of our advertising consists of text ads and product listing ads through Google Shopping.” Martha Dias, Director of multi-channel marketing said. This allows the firm to discover new markets to increase their client base. “We knew we had decent retail and finance markets, but we didn’t realize how many churches we were reaching until we saw the internet orders.”

Pay Per Click Company
Pay Per Click Company

Displays2Go uses the internet to help every aspect of their business. Social Media helps them connect to their customers and give them a 24 hour presence. “You’re probably missing the bigger opportunities by not have a web presence,” Banks said.

To help maintain this important web presence, Displays2Go utilize all that Google has to offer. These tools are priceless to their company’s image and reputation. The feedback and constant presence online is invaluable. Some of the tools used by Dispalys2Go are:

Display2Go spends 80 percent of their marketing budget on online marketing. “If you’ve got a website, you have an immediate connection with customers,” says Dias. To further their growth, the firm has even taken the time to create a robust mobile website to make online shopping even easier for their clients. “Dias advises up and coming companies, “You don’t have to do everything at once, but just get yourself on stable ground and see what works.”

Pay Per Click Company
Pay Per Click Company

Displays2Go has grown beyond its wildest dreams by simply taking advantage of the tools Google and the internet offer at their fingertips. “I can’t imagine us being anywhere near where we are now if we didn’t have a website,” Dias says. The company has grown to the extent that they now employ 250 people to help keep their growing customer base happy. As a leader in the industry, they understand the need to stay current, which includes the need for their customers to have access to them twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, as well as keeping their internet and mobile presence ahead of the curve.

Dispalys2Go saw the change in marketing well ahead of the curve and took advantage of the potential the internet had to offer. Today, as a result, they are bigger than they have ever dreamed possible and offer much more than the basic display products of the 70’s. Most importantly, they understand this all would be impossible if they continued marketing through direct mail and word of mouth instead of building their brand on the web.

Google By The Numbers In The State Of Rhode Island

While Rhode Island may be small, its industry is large and well known. Entrepreneurs can take advantage of the thirst for business and the enterprise Rhode Island has to offer while cultivating their brand in the beautiful environment. Due to the remote location and size of the state, many business owners understand the need to utilize the internet to branch out beyond their borders.

Pay Per Click Company
Pay Per Click Company

Displays2Go is one of many business in Rhode Island who benefits from Google’s suite of tools and products. For example:

  • In 2014, Google helped Rhode Island businesses, website publishers, and non-profits see $196 million of economic activity.
  • That calculates to 6,100 Rhode Island businesses and non-profits benefiting from Google’s tools, such as Adwords and AdSense.
  • Google Ad Grants Program raised $274,000 of free advertising to 18 Rhode Island non-profits.

This article was written by the LeAds copywriter team. LeAds is one of the most experienced Google Pay Per Click Company, specializing in Google AdWords and Google SEO, in the United States. Please visit our website at for more information about making Google Search and AdWords work for your business.

The data and the images in this article were taken from the Google USA Report 2014.

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