Pay Per Click Consultant in Washington

Pay Per Click Consultant in Washington Will Use Google to Help You Become Recession-Proof

Pay Per Click Consultant in Washington know how to use Google to keep your customers coming back even when the economy tells them otherwise.

Pay Per Click Consultant may be the difference between life and death for your business in a tough economy. These firms are experts in understanding marketing trends in the worst of times and applying those trends to your advertising campaign. Businesses that weather the storm do so with the help of a pay per click consultant who helps keep their current customers happy and find new customers too. A pay per click consultant can:

  • Help Keep Your Customers Happy
  • Help Grow Your Business
  • Maximize Your Advertising Dollars
  • Help Your Company Weather the Economic Storm

…And Much More!

A pay per click consultant sole responsibility is to study the economic, marketing, and advertising trends both in your area and on the internet and then translate those trends to customers and revenue. This type of firm can help you keep your clients happy even when their wallets are thin. As a result, these clients will continue to come to you and refer business to you in the best and worst of times.

A good pay per click consultant understands your business and its clientele. Even more importantly, a good firm understands what keeps your clients coming back and translates that to an advertising campaign that appeals to your current clients as well as to potential clients. When hiring a pay per click consultant, it is important to understand that you are hiring experts in internet marketing. As a result, your experts should earn your respect and trust to help you grow your business and weather any economic storm.

Sip, Ship and Google in Washington

Some businesses open well and then quickly experience an economic downturn. These businesses must find a way to reach established clients to let them know they are still in business while hopefully gaining the notice of new clients. This was the case with Sip and Ship, a full service shipping center, café, and gift shop, owned by Diana and Steve Naramore in Seattle, Washington. The store opened in 2002 as a “community watering hole and customer service mecca.” By 2008, when the recession happened, they had two locations. Both locations took a major hit from the recession and they were sure they would lose their businesses. However, the couple maintained their quality customer service to at the very least, keep their existing customers. “We were in dire straits, and we just kept doing what we knew, which was providing great customer service,” says Diana.

As a result of their hard work and customer service, they not only stayed afloat, they managed to grow. Today, they have a very loyal customer base and continue to bring in new clientele, which they largely attribute to their presence on the internet. “I ask new people how they find us, and nine times out of ten it’s somebody doing a Google search online. It’s a great driver. It’s no longer a neon ‘Open’ sign that brings people to you, it’s having the advantage of listing your services online and being linked to them so that people can find you on a moment’s notice.”

Pay Per Click Consultant
Pay Per Click Consultant

To continue their growth and enable them to provide amazing customer service as well as new and innovative services and products to their clients, Diana and Steve intend to move all manual services online. In addition to utilizing the technologies available to help grow their brick and mortar establishments, this will help promote their online shop as well.

As the company has continued to grow, Diana and Steve have turned to Google for more and more help. They have utilized Google Analytics, for example, to analyze their site traffic. This has helped them learn that one of their higher cost vendors was directing customers to their site by way of the droves, and more than making up for the low profit margin. Some of the other tools used by Sip and Ship are:

  • Google Drive
  • Google Apps for Work
  • Google Calendar
  • Gmail

…And More.

As of 2014, Sip and Ship had reached $1.4 million of business, however, according to Diana, “we have just scratched the surface.” They intend to grow their stores as well as their online shops. “The internet is so powerful. I would [like to] invest in all of the technology I could to make my business more robust. It enhances what we do every day.”

Pay Per Click Consultant
Pay Per Click Consultant

The Naramores truly understand the impact that the internet and Google has had on their business. “The internet brings people to our doors every single day.” Without it, they would not have reached $1.4 million in business and would not still be growing today.

Google By The Numbers In The State Of Washington

Washington is a beautiful state with history and culture. From music, to coffee to other technology, many businesses get their start in the rainy state of Seattle. However, in order to succeed in such a thriving and competitive state, each entrepreneur needs to stand out from the rest. To help them stand out, the successful businesses turn to Google and the many tools Google offers to help them succeed and stay successful.

Pay Per Click Consultant
Pay Per Click Consultant

Sip and Ship is one of many business in Washington who benefit from Google’s suite of tools and products. For example:

  • In 2014, Google helped Washington businesses, website publishers, and non-profits see $5.2 billion of economic activity.
  • That calculates to 53,000 Washington businesses and non-profits benefiting from Google’s tools, such as Adwords and AdSense.
  • Google Ad Grants Program raised $5,590,000 of free advertising to 250 Washington non-profits.
  • Google employs over 1,500 full-time people in the Kirkland and Seattle Washington offices.

This article was written by the LeAds copywriter team. LeAds is one of the most experienced Google Leads Companies, specializing in Google AdWords and Google SEO, in the United States. Please visit our website at for more information about making Google Search and AdWords work for your business.

The data and the images in this article were taken from the Google USA Report 2014.

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