Pay Per Click Specialist and Google in Alabama

Pay Per Click Specialist in Alabama Uses Google to Help Your Hobby Become Your Business.

Pay Per Click Specialist in Alabama will use Google to help you market your business to turn your hobby into your career.

Pay Per Click Specialist knows Google and the benefit of Search Engine Optimization combined with paid advertising. They understand how to tag your advertising to make sure the right people are seeing your links and clicking on them, allowing them to move to your website and eventually become your customers and clients. They are in the businesses of helping your dreams become a reality by getting the word out about your business and services while generating interest like only the internet can.

A pay per click specialist is not only a marketing specialist, but is an internet marketing specialist. In today’s tech savvy world, this type of specialty can make the difference between a website that is simply out there and a website that is a tool for driving business to your front door. A pay per click specialist can help you:

  • Utilize the Internet to Make Money
  • Get the Most from Your Web Presence
  • Find the People Looking for You
  • Grow Your Business From Behind Your Desk

And More…

Finding the right pay per click specialist should not be as daunting a task as it may sound. As with any specialist, there are those that are simply in business to make themselves money and those in business to make you money. As a business owner, it is easy to find the difference. Someone in business to make you money will take the time to speak with you about your goals, wants, and needs. They will learn your business, your market, and your audience. They will work with you to develop a marketing plan that fits your business, as opposed to fit you into one of their marketing plans.

Once you find the right pay per click specialist, the fun begins. Developing the marketing plan is sometimes the easiest piece to the puzzle. However, ensuring you are prepared for the business this plan will generate should not be overlooked. As part of your development, create a plan to keep word of mouth flowing positively to your cash register and bottom line.

Good People Brewing Company and Google in Alabama

Alabama is known for its Southern Hospitality, football, food, music, and whiskey. When two friends found themselves fantasizing about opening a brewery the competition was scarce, but the journey was mighty. Michael Sellers and Jason Malone thought about taking that journey in 2007 while tasting the products of their home brewing outfit. “Wouldn’t it be great if we could do this professionally?” And thus, Good People Brewing Company was born. Their hobby became the oldest brewery in Alabama and the very first beer canning line in the South.

They officially began their business in 2008 and immediately took to the internet to launch their brand. They knew the impact social media and YouTube would have on their brand, so that is where the journey began. Their Coffee Oatmeal Stout is now their second best-selling line to which they “attribute most of that to targeting the right market through social media,” says Michael.

Michael and Jason have utilized many of the tools Google offers small businesses and have continued to see growth. “Google Business Photos has been huge. People feel a lot more comfortable going somewhere if they’ve seen it before,” says Michael. In 2011, they opened their Taproom in a hard to find part of the city. Thanks to Google, that did not stop people from showing up at the door. Good People Brewing Company has used these Google Tools to help market and grow:

  • Google Business Photos
  • Google Map
  • YouTube
  • Google Analytics

…And more.

As a result of their marketing strategies, Good People Brewing Company has seen 100% year over year growth. They have hired 12 employees, opened a 16,000 foot brewery, opened a taproom and opened a pub inside the Birmingham Shuttlesworth International Airport. Google Analytics have helped them continue to tweak and personalize their marketing. “There’s no better way to see what people are drawn to.”

Pay Per Click Specialist
Pay Per Click Specialist

Michael and Jason have truly seen their dream become a reality. They have become active members of the community and Good People Brewing Company has become a leader in the craft brewing industry. Their brand was built on Southern culture, and sharing that culture while connecting with other businesses and creating a comradery is one of the most important pieces to their branding.

Pay Per Click Specialist
Pay Per Click Specialist

As they continue to grow, they will continue to utilize social media and Google. “The web allows exponential growth,” says Michael. “Getting a new business into a place where it is cash flow positive, that’s always the goal. Social media allowed us to get to that place sooner. So now when we target markets we want to move into, we start social media targeting first.”

Google By The Numbers In The State Of Alabama

Alabama is full of Southern culture and hospitality. It is also a breeding growing for new and exciting business ideas, whether they cater to the middle class, or those just looking to have fun, or other business needs. Ingenuity is rewarded in Alabama as long as you have the tools to help you get off the ground. Google and its marketing tools can help make this happen.

Pay Per Click Specialist
Pay Per Click Specialist

Good People Brewing Company is one of many business in Alabama who benefits from Google’s suite of tools and products. For example:

  • In 2013, Google helped Alabama businesses, website publishers, and non-profits see $203 million of economic activity.
  • That calculates to 12,000 Alabama businesses and non-profits benefiting from Google’s tools, such as Adwords and AdSense.
  • Google Ad Grants Program raised $430,000 of free advertising to 13 Alabama non-profits.

This article was written by the LeAds copywriter team. LeAds is one of the most experienced Google Pay Per Click Specialist, specializing in Google AdWords  and Google SEO, in the United States. Please visit our website at for more information about making Google Search and AdWords work for your business.

The data and the images in this article were taken from the Google USA Report 2013.

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