PPC Advertising Services and Google in Massachusetts

PPC Advertising Services in Massachusetts Use Google To Help Non-Profits Find Their Voice.

PPC Advertising Services in Massachusetts Use Google to help non-profits as well as for profit businesses find their audience and get the word out.

PPC advertising services are known to help businesses expand and find their audience. However, did you know they help non-profit organizations as well? The key with a non-profit organization is that the sole purpose is to get their message to the people who need to have it. Whether the organization is related to research or even land preservation, people are still going to turn to the internet to find the information relating to their favorite cause and community. In the end, PPC advertising services are about marketing your business online. Whether your business is sales or community service related, it still needs its voice to be heard, and PPC advertising services can help make that a reality. PPC advertising services can help your organization:

  • Reach its target audience efficiently
  • Stay on top of internet searching trends
  • Spread information quickly
  • Raise money when it matters

…And Much More.

Non-profit organizations may have a different agenda than a for-profit business, but the steps to reach the goal are still the same. Whether you are in sales, selling a service, educating individuals, or raising funds, your primary focus to maintain your organization is to get the word out and find the people that are looking for you. Working with PPC advertising services are a tremendous tool to achieve that goal and reach your ultimate goal of success. While success for a non-profit organization may have a different meaning than success for a for-profit business, the general idea is the same: finding the people that can help you build your organization in your community and beyond.

PPC advertising services are the experts in getting you found on the internet. They understand how to sort through the white noise and red tape to push your organization to the top of the search results. Furthermore, they understand how people utilize the internet and how they search for what they want. For instance, people searching for community information typically use a distinct set of key words out of a list of many that would differ from those looking for a national organization.

PPC advertising services allow you the time to run your organization and answer the millions of issues that may arise any given day while they continue to work on your behalf and spread the word. This gives you and your organization the voice it so desperately needs.

Beverly Main Streets and Google in Massachusetts

When dealing with many towns in the northeastern section of the United States, it becomes evident that a new splash of life is needed to rejuvenate the town and the interest surrounding it. Many of the towns date back to the 1600’s and, while rich in history, require a facelift now and again. Beverly, Massachusetts is one of these towns.  Beverly was settled in 1626, just six years after the Mayflower landed on Plymouth Rock. With the advent of Beverly Main Streets, the historic town along the sea in Massachusetts is now a thriving historical landmark that is a favorite spot for residents, businesses, and tourists alike. “We are all about downtown revitalization,” says Gin Wallace, executive director. “Downtown is the neighborhood that belongs to the whole community.”

PPC Advertising Services
PPC Advertising Services

Google and the internet have helped Beverly Main Streets fulfill its mission time and again. For instance, they utilize email to distribute a monthly newsletter that reaches 3,500 people every month. To allow for the community to update events and information, Google Calendar was implemented to allow active groups in the community to track and update events including city meetings, musicals, bike races, and everything in between. “For our big summer events, we use Google Maps to lay out where the food vendors and the beer garden and the artists’ booths will go. We work with the police on where we’ll shut down the street and how we’ll direct traffic. We’ve got about 125 volunteers, and we share Google Docs online to keep everybody abreast of decisions and directions.” Some of the Google tools that help make sure everything runs smoothly are:

  • Gmail
  • Google Maps
  • Google Docs
  • Google Calendar

…And More.

New technology is bringing a 400 year old town to life again. “Last year we launched our first block party. I said to my board ‘I will be happy if 500 people show up.’ And we had 2,000. I’ve had two or three calls just in the last few weeks saying, ‘I went to your website and I love what I see. And I’m thinking that is a community I would like to be part of.’ The internet is the way we get the word out to people in our community and beyond.”

PPC Advertising Services
PPC Advertising Services

Google By The Numbers In The State Of Massachusetts https://www.google.com/economicimpact/

Massachusetts is one of the oldest states in the union, although not the first state. Settled in 1642, Massachusetts offers amazing benefits to residents, businesses, and tourists. Rich with history, some of the most sought after colleges, and wonderful food and drink, Massachusetts has something to offer everyone. That is why businesses and nonprofits flock to Massachusetts to begin their journey into the world of entrepreneurship and fundraising. Google and its tools are a wonderful resource for anyone in Massachusetts to help get the word out and build their brand.

PPC Advertising Services
PPC Advertising Services

Beverly Main Streets is one of many businesses and non-profit organizations in Massachusetts that benefits from Google’s suite of tools and products. For example:

  • In 2013, Google helped Massachusetts businesses, website publishers, and non-profits see $5.8 billion of economic activity.
  • That calculates to 42,000 Massachusetts businesses and non-profits benefiting from Google’s tools, such as Adwords and AdSense.
  • Google Ad Grants Program raised $7.3 million of free advertising for 122 Massachusetts non-profits.
  • Google employs over 800 Massachusetts residents in the office in Cambridge.

This article was written by the LeAds copywriter team. LeAds is one of the most experienced Google PPC Advertising Services Agency specializing in Google AdWords and Google SEO in the United States. Please visit our website at www.msalesleads.com for more information about making Google Search and AdWords work for your business.

The data in this article was based on the Google USA Report 2013.

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