PPC Experts and Google

PPC Experts in Kansas Use Google To Help Businesses Reach Their Potential.

PPC experts in Kansas use Google to help businesses grow as they develop and reach their fullest potential and beyond.

PPC experts have built their careers and businesses around knowing Google, how it works, and how people utilize it to shop and conduct pre-purchase research. They have developed their expertise regarding marketing online to be able to help their clients grow without exceeding their marketing budget or being in more than one place at a time. They have taken the guess work out of online marketing and allowed their clients the opportunity to soar.

Utilizing PPC experts in your marketing plan is not only a move in the right direction, but it is likely the only move that, if neglected, will bring your business down and keep it from reaching its potential. PPC experts are not experts in your business- that’s not in their job description. However, they are experts in their business, and their business is helping your business succeed. In order to accomplish this task they collect data by studying internet trends. They then take that knowledge and data and apply it to your business to help you surpass your competition. PPC experts excel in:

  • Expanding Your Business Reach
  • Helping You Stay on top of the Trends
  • Transitioning Your Business into the 21st Century
  • Keeping Your Business Relevant

…And More.

Google uses specific algorithms to find websites once search terms are entered. SEO marketing plays to those algorithms, which constantly change to prevent abuse of the system. PPC experts spend time understanding those algorithms and implementing specific terms and phrases into your marketing campaign to continually outsmart the changes of the algorithms and keep your website and its links active and on the top of Google searches. The average marketing person or business owner does not have the expertise PPC experts have to aid in the process.

The most important factor to working with PPC experts is the understanding that utilizing Google to boost your sales is the reason they are in business. Once you understand they have done the research so you do not have to, you are well on your way to a successful online marketing campaign and overall strategy that is sure to keep your business bustling for years to come.

Engraph Software and Google in Kansas

Some businesses begin in one direction and once on that path, discover the direction in which they are meant to go. This was the case with Engraph Software. In 1999, Kyle Archer and a University of Kansas professor founded Engraph Software to create engineering geographic information system (GIS) mapping software. However, the state of Michigan requested a proposal which, upon approval, led the company to paratransit, as a provider of transportation services to the under-served populations of disabled and elderly individuals. Utilizing their extensive knowledge of engineering and software development they developed a series of routing algorithms to solve the complex transportation scheduling dilemmas paratransit often encounters. By adjusting their business model to fit a growing need, and with the help of Google, they have grown into a business that supports paratransit needs across the country for both the government and private sectors.

PPC Experts
PPC Experts

In 2010, Engraph Software needed to revamp their advertising efforts to attract new business. That’s when they discovered Google AdWords. “We decided we were going to go all in with digital advertising,” says CEO Tim Hibbard. “So we did- and then we ratcheted up again. As we transition from public sector to more private sector clients, we’re finding that private clients are using Google Search to find us.” Engraph Software benefits from many Google products, including:

  • Google AdWords
  • Google Docs
  • Google Apps for Business
  • Google Calendar

 …And More.

Not only is the company on the road, but the executive team are in different parts of the country. Google helps them stay together and work as if they were in the same office. “Kyle is in Kansas and I’m in South Carolina, so we write a lot together using Google Docs.  We use Google Maps in our application. And we don’t actually have a telephone number-we use Google Voice, which has saved us a truckload of money.”

PPC Experts
PPC Experts

Since 2010, 90% of Engraph Software’s new business comes from private sector clients. About 80% of those private sector clients come from the web. That 80%, Tim says, “…are directly attributable to Google Search and AdWords. AdWords is all we focus on for digital advertising. We have a brand new market, thanks to AdWords. Every time we’ve made a digital investment, whether it be our website or AdWords, we’ve seen a payoff. It’s always tough to spend, especially when it doesn’t come back right away.  But eventually it does, and it’s been worth it for us every single time. For us, the web has very much been a case of ‘if you build it they will come.’”

Google By The Numbers In The State Of Kansas https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/

Kansas is a large part of America’s heartland. Boasting beautiful farms as well as hard working people, it is the epitome of America and all it offers. Equally as impressive, it is an up and coming hotspot for business entrepreneurs wishing to take advantage of the location and educational opportunities within this great state. However, many entrepreneurs within Kansas don’t want to sell just to their neighbors.  They are looking to expand their reach and sell to all Americans.  Google and its tools has helped many businesses in Kansas accomplish this task.

PPC Experts
PPC Experts

Engraph Software is one of many businesses in Kansas that benefits from Google’s suite of tools and products. For example:

  • In 2013, Google helped Kansas businesses, website publishers, and non-profits see $611 million of economic activity.
  • That calculates to 11,000 Kansas businesses and non-profits benefiting from Google’s tools, such as Adwords and AdSense.
  • Google Ad Grants Program raised $482,000 of free advertising for 10 Kansas non-profits.


This article was written by the LeAds copywriter team. LeAds is one of the most experienced Google PPC Expert Companies specializing in Google AdWords and Google SEO in the United States. Please visit our website at www.msalesleads.com for more information about making Google SEO and AdWords work for your business.

The data in this article was based on the Google USA Report 2013.

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