PPC Management Company and Google

PPC Management Company in Florida Will Use Google To Help Put You on the Map.

PPC Management Company in Florida uses Google to help your business be found by anyone anywhere in the world.

PPC Management Company is a valuable asset in your marketing campaign. The benefit of working with such a powerful company is to utilize the company’s expertise and resources to not only put you “on the map” but actually put you “on the globe.” This means the PPC Management Company will work to make you an international presence, as well as a local presence with just the click of a mouse. The benefit to you is too great to ignore and not nearly as costly as you would expect.

With today’s fast paced world and everyone’s desire to find what they are looking for within seconds of thinking about it, your internet presence must be strong and untouched in order to keep up with your competition. Most importantly you need to stay relevant and always one step ahead of your customer base and your competition. A PPC Marketing Company can help in this task. A PPC Marketing Company is the expert you need to help you:

  • Stay in front of your customers
  • Find the people looking for you
  • Maximize your advertising efforts
  • Raise the stakes for your competition

…And More.

When you make the decision to hire a PPC Marketing Company, you are making the decision to show your customer base that you are aware of their needs and are willing to do what is needed to exceed those expectations. In addition, you are showing your competition that they need to step up their game if they want to compete in your market. In other words, you will stand out above and beyond your competitors as the company that cares and will do what it takes to make your clients happy. It is amazing that this type of feeling can be invoked by a relatively inexpensive marketing tool.

By hiring a PPC Marketing Company, you are accepting that you know what you know, but you do not know what you do not know. Therefore, you are willingly working with an expert in PPC Marketing to fill in that gap for you and allow you the time and energy to work hard doing what you know.

Visit Florida and Google in Florida

Running a state that thrives on tourism is a huge undertaking, especially considering the state must be treated as a business to attract tourists. Florida has been a longstanding favorite in the tourism industry, causing the birth of Visit Florida. Seventeen percent of all domestic and international leisure travel is done in Florida, with their beautiful beaches and wonderful family attractions. “We brighten the lives of all. Last year we created exceptional experiences for 94.3 million visitors. They in turn generated jobs for over a million Floridians. So, while we do sell dreams and incredible vacation experiences, we’re first and foremost a job creator for the Florida economy,” says Will Secombe, President and CEO of Visit Florida.

PPC Management Company
PPC Management Company

In one year, Visit Florida went from spending 5% of their marketing budget on digital marketing to 26%. As a result, their growth went from eighty-two million visitors to ninety-four million. In just five years, Visit Florida grew from 3,000 to 15,000 website listings. Visit Florida has created an opportunity for small business to utilize the benefits of web advertising without the total costs or constant monitoring associated with this type of advertising. Visit Florida uses many of Google’s Products to promote its website and affiliates, such as:

  • Google AdWords
  • YouTube
  • Google Docs
  • Google +

 …And More.

“Thanks in part to Google AdWords, last year’s web traffic increased 17% year-over-year. Google leads in the travel planning process,” says Paul Phipps, Chief Marketing Officer of Visit Florida. Visit Florida even takes advantage of Google+ to show travelers another side of Florida. “Everybody knows about Disney, Universal, and Sea World. Our Google+ page helps expose travelers to something they didn’t know about Florida, so maybe they’d stay an extra day and do something they didn’t do on the way to Disney,” says Paul. Impressively, 38% of Florida’s visitors are influenced by Visit Florida’s marketing programs, which include a large piece of online web marketing.

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PPC Management Company

In 2013, Visit Florida even partnered with Google Maps to create a Street View Trek, wherein 825 miles of beautiful Florida coastline are displayed. This allows visitors to take a “virtual walk” to explore Florida’s beaches. “We hope to be as entrepreneurial in tourism marketing as Google is in technology. There is a positive correlation between the increase in visitors to Florida and how much we’re investing in the internet.”

Google By The Numbers In The State Of Florida https://www.google.com/adwords/

Florida is one of the most beautiful states with much to offer to small businesses, corporations, and travelers alike. The biggest industry in Florida is easily tourism. In order to keep Florida exciting and new for visitors and profitable for business, Florida businesses need to take advantage of innovations and ideas on the internet whenever possible. Google and its marketing tools can help make this happen.

PPC Management Company
PPC Management Company

Visit Florida is one of many business in Florida that benefits from Google’s suite of tools and products. For example:

  • In 2013, Google helped Florida businesses, website publishers, and non-profits see $6.5 bllion of economic activity.
  • That calculates to 121,000 Florida businesses and non-profits benefiting from Google’s tools, such as Adwords and AdSense.
  • Google Ad Grants Program raised $2.7 million of free advertising for 84 Florida non-profits.

This article was written by the LeAds copywriter team. LeAds is one of the most experienced Google PPC Management Company specializing in Google AdWords and Google SEO in the United States. Please visit our website at https://www.msalesleads.com/request-a-quote/ for more information about making Google Adwords and Google SEO work for your business.

The data and the images in this article were taken from the Google USA Report 2013.

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