PPC Expert and Google for small and mid size businesses

PPC Expert in Georgia Will Use Google To Increase Your Visibility Away from Home.

PPC Expert in Georgia uses Google to help your customers find you even after they leave your building.

PPC expert has spent a career studying internet marketing best practices to utilize when creating your online marketing campaign. This professional is respected in his field and brings that hard earned respect and knowledge to the table when working with your company in creating a campaign that will best fit your needs. Some of this extensive knowledge includes:

  • Best Practices for Maximizing Your Marketing Dollars
  • When to Use Pay Per Click Advertising
  • How to Help Your Customers Find You
  • How to Make the Internet Work for You

 …And More.

Internet marketing is designed to allow people to find you when they are searching for your services and to stay abreast of your company’s news and announcements when they are not in front of your storefront. With proper internet marketing, your customers are able to be your additional sales force by sharing your online presence with their friends and families, thereby expanding your reach from your home state and town to the world. A PPC expert understands this dynamic and its importance in today’s market place. This expert will enable you to maximize your reach without breaking the bank.

To determine if your PPC expert is truly an expert, be sure to look for certain indicators in your business dealings. Your PPC expert should not necessarily know your industry, but should understand your marketplace better than you. They should be able to determine who your customer base is and how they shop. Your PPC expert should know what keywords are being searched for when people are looking for your business. All the while your PPC expert should be incorporating this information into your marketing campaign and teaching you not only how it works, but why it works as well. This information goes beyond your basic demographics and allows you to get inside of your customers’ heads to guide them to your business.

Working with a PPC expert will help your customers become your business experts and share your business with other like-minded people. A PPC expert will not only help grow your company by leaps and bounds beyond your expectations, but help your customers find you from anywhere in the world at any time of day.

Savannah Bee Company and Google in Georgia

Sometimes a business begins with a single idea and a small budget and grows into a powerhouse in their industry. The Savannah Bee Company had this very experience. In 2002, beekeeper Ted Dennard founded his company with just one solitary beehive and a mission. His mission, the most important piece to the puzzle, was to support local beekeepers by selling their honey and making honey-related health and beauty products, in addition to raising awareness of the issues affecting honeybees and the environment. By 2010, Ted had four stores in Savannah and Charleston and needed to launch his website in support of his stores. One trend he found with the launch of his site was that while tourists would come into his shops while visiting town, they would then go home and look the company up online to keep up with the company’s new products, news, and events, and even making additional purchases of the products they fell in love with during their visit.

PPC Expert
PPC Expert

To help people find the business Brantley Crowder, Director of eCommerce, implemented Google AdWords. As a result, customers never have difficulty finding the website and the business has grown quickly. In one year, “we grew fifty-five percent in total revenue. The second year, we grew an amazing eighty-four percent. The next year we grew nearly forty percent. We went from $500-a-day sales to $5,000 a day. Last Cyber Monday, we sold $30,000 in a single day-pushing our limits of our fulfillment process. So revenue has jumped substantially.” The Savannah Bee Company has utilized numerous Google programs to help manage and grow their business. Some of the Google products that have helped them grow their business and maintain its success are:

  • Google AdWords
  • Google Docs
  • Google Calendar
  • Google Analytics

 …And More.

Google Analytics has also been a huge piece of the success of the Savannah Bee Company. “It’s the most comprehensive platform we have to learn about traffic, customer origin and demographics,” says Brantley. “We’ve explored paid analytics programs, and they don’t come close to what Google does for free.”

PPC Expert
PPC Expert

In addition to their growing business, they have utilized social media and YouTube to help keep customers in touch with the role of bees in the ecosystem. “We sponsor a not-for-profit initiative called The Bee Cause Project, which wants to put 1,000 hives in 1,000 schools across America.” Brantley plans to open three additional stores and expand the health and beauty products line. He even expects the eCommerce division will soon outsell the brick and mortar stores. “It’s been a wild trip to see such a staggering growth over a short time.”

Google By The Numbers In The State Of Georgia https://www.google.com/adwords/

Georgia is known for its peaches, its beauty, and its history. Some even say it is known for its hauntings. While Georgia is rich in many areas of agriculture and history, it is also rich in entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs flock to Georgia to take advantage of all it has to offer for businesses and beauty alike. In order to stand out from the pack, many businesses are turning to online marketing and Google. Google and its marketing tools can help make this happen.

PPC Expert
PPC Expert

The Savannah Bee Company is one of many business in Georgia that benefits from Google’s suite of tools and products. For example:

  • In 2013, Google helped Georgia businesses, website publishers, and non-profits see $2.4 billion of economic activity.
  • That calculates to 54,000 Georgia businesses and non-profits benefiting from Google’s tools, such as Adwords and AdSense.
  • Google Ad Grants Program raised $3 millinon of free advertising for 40 Georgia non-profits.
  • Google employs over 250 Georgia residents on a full-time basis at their offices in both Atlanta and Austell.

This article was written by the LeAds copywriter team. LeAds is one of the most experienced Google PPC Expert Agency specializing in Google AdWords and Google SEO in the United States. Please visit our website at https://www.msalesleads.com/request-a-quote/  for more information about making Google Search and AdWords work for your business.

The data in this article was based on the Google USA Report 2013.

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