PPC Service

PPC Service in Indiana Uses Google To Help Entrepreneurs Grow Their Passion.

PPC service in Indiana will use Google to help an entrepreneur grow his passion project into a successful business.

PPC service is an expert service in marketing online and utilizing Google to its ultimate potential to grow your business. This service exists for the purpose of helping your business create a marketing campaign that will be seen by anyone needing your service and those that may not know they have a need for your service. Using a PPC service will help you:

  • Develop Your Brand
  • Maximize Your Marketing Dollars
  • Minimize Unnecessary Marketing Efforts
  • Stay in Front of Your Customers

…And More.

A PPC service understands the importance of utilizing numerous methods of advertising and building your online profile. A website is obviously step one, but once the website is developed and live, promoting it and your business should be a marketing priority. SEO marketing is only one piece of the puzzle of online marketing. SEO is “organic” in that it utilizes mentions and links to promote your website to the top of a Google search. However, combine that with the abilities of a PPC service and your company will always be front and center when people are looking for your business.

With the help of a knowledgeable and reputable PPC service, your business will flourish. You will become a Google mainstay for your market, making you accessible and giving you the appearance of being the best there is in your industry. A PPC service helps you stand out from the crowd more than any SEO marketing campaign alone can do. You will obtain enough business that you will have to develop a new plan to handle the overflow. The use of a PPC service will even add to your SEO presence; once customers are satisfied with your business they will be sure to share your webpage and social media link with others in their circle of influence.

Utilizing a PPC service in conjunction with your other marketing campaigns will be beneficial for both your business and your customers. Customers will easily find you for future purchases and endeavors because you are making your business readily available to them. Additionally, customers will feel more secure utilizing your services because you are easy to find. This becomes a win-win situation for everyone involved.

National Trade Supply and Google in Indiana

Once in a while you hear an idea and know you can do it better. That is how National Trade Supply was born. In 2003, Todd Anthony, the founder and CEO of National Trade Supply, overheard someone talking about a company located in Kentucky selling air filters online. Todd contacted his fellow entrepreneur, Tyler Dishman, and got to work. Two weeks later, a website was launched and digital advertising was initiated. Within one hour, they had their first order. Today, National Trade Supply has several specialty websites that cater to the construction and home-improvement markets. Todd and Tyler had one goal: provide both professionals and homeowners a complete selection of quality products at the best prices possible. From day one they have been able to not only accomplish this goal, but exceed their own expectations. They have continued extending their own reach and allow their target market to save money while knowing they are receiving quality products.

PPC Service
PPC Service

One of the most important additions to their website was the integration of Google AdWords. From day one the company was built to operate on AdWords. Tyler loves the success this program has provided and enjoys the ease and simplicity AdWords and Google Analytics brings to marketing and tracking. “That marketing channel has been our strongest. Every year it still brings more visitors and more revenue to our company than anything else.” Two decade ago, this type of operation may not have been possible; however, since the company is designed to be an online retailer, almost all of their marketing budget is now spent on online marketing tools like AdWords. “I don’t know what people did before the internet. In marketing, I don’t know how they measured anything. I don’t know how they did their jobs.” National Trade Supply benefits from many Google products, including:

  • Google AdWords
  • Google Analytics
  • Gmail
  • Google Search

 …And More.

National Trade Supply has grown to over forty-five employees with the help of their marketing program. Tyler has learned so much from his marketing plans and running his business that he now mentors other CEOs and entrepreneurs regarding the use of these imperative Google tools. In addition, his reach has expanded well beyond the borders of Indiana. One of his main points is “Disruption breeds opportunity on the web.” Therefore, it is imperative to keep your business current and available at all times.

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PPC Service

Google has helped make National Trade Supply what it is today. “In a lot of ways, this company wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for Google. It just makes too much sense.”

Google By The Numbers In The State Of Indiana https://www.google.com/adwords/

Indiana is a beautiful piece of the country’s heartland. Its residents are from all walks of life: farmers, professionals, and working class individuals, among others. Because of Indiana’s location and wide diversity of population it is a wonderful breeding ground for new businesses and entrepreneurs. With this many entrepreneurs flocking to the heartland because of the wealth of opportunity, once they are in business they definitely need to stand out from the crowd to show their innovation. Google can help project this image.

PPC Service
PPC Service

National Trade Supply is one of many business in Indiana that benefits from Google’s suite of tools and products. For example:

  • In 2013, Google helped Indiana businesses, website publishers, and non-profits see $762 million of economic activity.
  • That calculates to 19,000 Indiana businesses and non-profits benefiting from Google’s tools, such as Adwords and AdSense.
  • Google Ad Grants Program raised $607,000 of free advertising for 13 Indiana non-profits.


This article was written by the LeAds copywriter team. LeAds is one of the most experienced Google PPC Service Companies specializing in Google AdWords and Google SEO in the United States. Please visit our website at www.msalesleads.com for more information about making Google SEO and Google AdWords work for your business.

The data in this article was based on the Google USA Report 2013.

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