Small businesses have four digital marketing assets to conquer four digital marketing places.

Small businesses may develop four digital marketing assets to conquer four digital marketing places.

The four digital marketing assets are: Media, Google, Content and Ads

The four digital marketing places are: First page of Google, Internet, Social Networks, Email.

People use digital devices mainly to do one of the following four tasks: search in Google, browse Internet, visit social networks, and review email.

Small businesses can deliver messages to their audiences in all of these four places if they develop the above four digital marketing assets.

Four digital marketing assets


Small business media are the owned digital media channels small business use to publish information. These are: website, blog, social network pages, directories listing, communities’ pages, group pages.


Google assets for small businesses are:

Google marketing products: Search Console, Analytics, Plus, Communities, My Business, MAPS

Google webmaster guidelines

Google website tests


Content is the piece of information small businesses produce and publish to deliver the message to their audiences.

Content has different formats, being the article with one relevant image the most indicated to conquer the four digital places.


Ads are the advertising pieces’ small businesses launch to deliver the message to their audiences in a smart and targeted manner.

All digital ads are pay per click ads, being Google and Facebooks the advertisers market leaders. Google has two different advertising products, Google AdWords search and Google AdWords display. Facebook has one type of advertising product, Facebook display ads.


Digital marketing assets
Digital marketing assets


Four digital marketing places

First page of Google

First page of Google will be conquered by small businesses with all of the above digital marketing assets: media, google, content, ads.


Internet will be conquered by small businesses with one of the above digital marketing assets: Google AdWords display ads

Social Networks

Social networks will be conquered by small businesses with two of the above digital marketing assets: content and ads.


Email will be conquered by small businesses with one of the above digital marketing assets: content


Small businesses that design, develop, maintain and nurture these four digital marketing assets will sooner or later conquer these four digital marketing places.


You can read our previous article in the following link:

About the Author:

This article was written by Julio Sanoja Rial, CEO, founder and digital marketing consultant at MSalesLeads, a digital marketing agency for small businesses. We help small businesses to go and grow their businesses online.

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