B2B Lead Generation Companies help Alaska

B2B Lead Generation Companies Seeing Big Results at Alaska

B2B Lead Generation Companies help Alaska business

Whether you are a business that sells to business, or you sell to consumers, you want to be sure that your company is visible on the Internet and especially on Google (www.google.com) . Coming up in the first few pages of a Google Search is essential to business and to getting the notice that you need to make sales. B2B lead generation companies can help you to take your business to a new level profit-wise, as they can ensure that the leads that you are getting are high quality and from people who find your product or service relevant to their life or needs.

Sharing is the Key

K2 Aviation  is a family owned “flightseeing” business in Alaska. They want to not only get their business name out there to people who can use their services, but also want to share with their visitors. Cole Ouellette says, “I’m sharing photos, telling stories, and talking about the grown man who came off a glacier crying because it was a really incredible experience for him.” This is what they are all about and they want to ensure that they are able to share their love for Alaska with others.

B2B Lead Generation Companies
B2B Lead Generation Companies

Stephanie Smothers says of this, “Talkeetna is the gateway to Denali National Park and Mt. McKinley. It’s the only village accessible by road, so it’s really attractive for tourists and mountain climbers to come see our town. And we’re happy to share that with them.” They understand that people really enjoy having a connection with the places they have been or are going. This is what lead them to use Google AdWords to get their name out there and to drive visitors to their website.

B2B Lead Generation Companies
B2B Lead Generation Companies

“Our website is extremely important, along with our social media. If we can make connections and build relationships, people not only return, they send friends and family our way,” Cole says. “Besides being able to reach so many more people, our online presence extends the experience for them both before and after their flight. That has a huge impact as well,” adds Stephanie. These relationships that they are creating keep people coming back, and they keep their customers sharing with others, which is essential.

B2B Lead Generation Companies
B2B Lead Generation Companies

K2 has also begun using Google+ and YouTube  because they see that these can be easy ways to load videos and keep their clients and prospective customers updated about their latest adventures. All of this has gone together to help bring new opportunities for growth for K2, but they are not stopping there. They have hired a lead generation company to help them to move up in the search results. “Our goal is to be the first company listed any time someone searches for air taxis, sightseeing, aviation, or the town of Talkeetna in general. We will take it to a new level online, knowing that’s where we’re going to get the widest reach,” says Cole of their goals.

No matter what kind of business that you have in Alaska, you want to be sure that your online presence is strong. B2B lead generation companies can help you to connect with people who are interested in your products or services. These leads can be an invaluable part of growing your business, just like K2.

Google AdWords Can Make the Difference https://www.google.com/adwords/

In Alaska, Google helped provide $31.6 million dollars of economic activity for the businesses, website publishers, and non-profits that used their services during 2014. This is a lot of money that came into the state of Alaska. If you are not seeing sales of your products or services going quite the way that you want or need them to, enlisting the help of a lead generation company can be the key to turning them around. They are experienced in using Google AdWords and Google Analytics to move you up in the searches. This could be the central key to seeing more of an impact in your Internet sales and/or from your website.

Choosing from the B2B lead generation companies could be the turnaround that your business needs to get connected with other businesses. If you primarily sell your products or services to other businesses, you may wonder how to get your name out there. Finding a company that specializes or works with B2B marketing is essential, as you want the money spent actually to get you leads that will connect you with other businesses. This means that your marketing plan may need to be a little different than a company that sells to consumers.

Non-Profits and the Google Ad Grants Program https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/
If you are over a non-profit and want to make your program more financially secure, you want to look into the Google Ad Grants program. In 2014, they offered 55 Alaska non-profits free advertising, which amounted to $872,000. Non-profits do not have excess money in many cases to do the kind of marketing that they need to reach prospective donors, but it could be money well spent when your donations increase.

No matter what type of business or non-profit that you have, using the Internet is a must in this day and age. To use it to its fullest, you have to come up in the search results within the first page or two. Most searches net hundreds or even thousands of sites and no one wants to go through each one of them. Most people do not even look beyond the first page. This means that you need to work hard to be one of the top searches for your keyword(s). A lead generation company can work with you to help you to move up in the Google search engine and get the relevant leads that will make an impact.

Be like 2900 other Alaska businesses and non-profits by taking advantage of AdWords and AdSense with professional b2b lead generation companies. LeAds can take you from relatively unfound on the Internet to found in the top search results. This can make a big difference in your profits and your exposure.

This article was written by the LeAds copywriter team. LeAds is a Google B2B Lead Generation Company, specializing in Google AdWords and Google SEO, in the United States. Please visit our website at www.msalesleads.com for more information about making Google Search and AdWords work for your business.

“The data in this article was based from the Google USA Report 2014.”

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