How can a search marketing consultant help small businesses?

A search marketing consultant can help small businesses by positioning their websites at the first page of Google search results when a Google user searches for their products and services.

Being at the first page of Google search results is a major digital marketing objective for small businesses since it is a source for qualified lead generation.

Google search algorithm is secret. What we know is that it has more than 200 variables and the most two important ones are content and links.

Google places at the first page of Google search results those websites that have the most relevant and useful information for the search user. Theoretically, those websites that can satisfy the search user need.

Theoretically your website needs to have content related to the topic the search user is searching for. Your website also needs to have links to the website from high authority websites.

Theoretically, the more content your website has, and the more links to your website you have, then you are relevant and useful to the search user, according to the Google search algorithm.

I use the word “theoretically” because Google search algorithm is still at “steam engine” stage. Meaning that the search results are still very inefficient for the search users, since search results are neither relevant nor useful to the search user.

The reason for the Google search engine to be still very inefficient is that Google still does not know the search user very well, and Google still does not know the search user intent very well.


Search Marketing Consultant
Search Marketing Consultant


There is no doubt that in the future, Google will get to know the search user very well, and Google will also get to know the search user intent very well. When this happens, Google will be very efficient for the search user, and probably all the search results will be very relevant and useful to the search user. We are not there yet. Google is not there yet. It will take some years to be there. Google is working to be there with the big data marketing databases, using artificial intelligence and semantic, and also using search user’s databases.

Google is still at “steam engine” stage if we compare the IT revolution with the industrial revolution. However, beginning with the steam engine, the man went to the moon. So, in some years in the future, Google will stop being a “steam engine” and it will be a space rocket able to know at details the search user and the search user intent and need. Therefore, the search results will be relevant and useful. We are not there yet.

Eventhoug we are at early stages regarding Google search algorithm, a search marketing consultant can still place a small business at the first page of Google search results when a search user searches for its products and services.

How can a search marketing consultant place a small business at the first page of Google search results? By producing, publishing, and distributing high quality authority content related to the products, services and customer needs, using the words, phrases, and languages related to the small business products, services and customer needs.

Article is the content format recommended.


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About the Author:

This article was written by Julio Sanoja Rial, CEO, founder and digital marketing consultant at MSalesLeads, a digital marketing agency for small businesses. We help small businesses to go and grow their businesses online.

Julio Sanoja Rial
Julio Sanoja Rial

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