How to position a B2B small business in Internet

We would like to address this article to B2B small business owners to tell them how to position a B2B small business in Internet?

Three digital elements are the key to position a B2B small business in Internet: Media, Content, and Advertising. With these 3 digital elements in place we can design and execute a digital marketing campaign for a B2B small business with the main objective of having a permanent lead generation campaign for the B2B small business.


B2B small business
B2B small business

Credit: Dave Meier


Digital Media

A B2B small business needs the following digital media and digital assets to execute a strategic digital marketing lead generation campaign in Internet:

  • WordPress Website and Blog
  • Google Marketing Products and Tests
  • Social Network Business Pages and Groups Pages
  • Newsletter for Email Marketing

Digital Content

  • Articles strategy

Digital Advertising

  • Google AdWords Search campaign


Digital Media

These digital media will be design only once at the beginning of the campaign. The investment for the design of these digital media is done only one time at the beginning of the campaign.

Website and Blog should be WordPress technology, because as per Matt Cutts sentence, “Wordpress takes care of 80% of search engine optimization technical issues”. This is why the website and the blog of any B2B small business should be designed and developed in WordPress technology with a SEO plugin installed.

Google Marketing Products are important because they influence in the Google search algorithm and also they give additional marketing benefits to a B2B small business

These Google Marketing Products are the following:

  • Google Gmail Account
  • Google Search Console
  • Google Analytics
  • Google My Business with address validation
  • Google MAPS
  • Google Mobile test validation
  • Google Page Speed test validation

Social Network Business Pages and Groups are important for two reasons. One, they are digital media where all the articles will be post, and second they are the social media where the B2B small business prospects and customers community will be formed.

These Social Network Business Pages and Groups are the following:

  • Facebook Business Page
  • Facebook Group Page
  • LinkedIn Company Page
  • LinkedIn Group Page
  • Google My Business Page
  • Google Community Page
  • Twitter Business Page
  • Instagram Business Page

Newsletter is important to keep prospects and customer updated with the articles. The Newsletter application can be anyone that is available in the market such as Mailchimp, Constant Contact and others. Newsletter can be programmed automatically to be sent once a month to the mailing list with the latest articles published in the WordPress Blog.


Digital Content

Content is the master piece of any B2B small business marketing campaign. Many reasons support this fact. First of all, is it the way to educate prospects and customers about the B2B small business products and services, about the customers’ needs and about the B2B small business industry.

The original format for the content is an article. The articles must follow and comply with the B2B small business digital content strategy. What are we going to write about? What topics are we going to write about? What keywords and key phrases are we going to use in the articles? What key words or key phrases would the person use to search for this type of B2B small business with a “buying intent”?

The answers to these questions are given by the following statement: Categorize and subcategorize three things about the B2B small business:

  • Products and services provided by the B2B small business
  • Customer´s needs satisfy by the B2B small business products and services
  • Industry or business names given to the B2B small business

The Google search for the B2B small business will be done by the person using any of the above 3 categories of words or phrases.

The topics of the articles then will be given by the following categorization exercise:


Products categorization

Subcategory 1Subcategory 2Subcategory 3
Category 1Article P1,1Article P1,2Article P1,3
Category 2Article P2,1Article P2,1Article P2,3
Category 3Article P3,1Article P3,2Article P3,3



Services categorization

Subcategory 1Subcategory 2Subcategory 3
Category 1Article S1,1Article S1,2Article S1,3
Category 2Article S2,1Article S2,1Article S2,3
Category 3Article S3,1Article S3,2Article S3,3



Customer´s needs categorization

Subcategory 1Subcategory 2Subcategory 3
Category 1Article N1,1Article N1,2Article N1,3
Category 2Article N2,1Article N2,1Article N2,3
Category 3Article N3,1Article N3,2Article N3,3



Business or Industry categorization

Subcategory 1Subcategory 2Subcategory 3
Category 1Article B1,1Article B1,2Article B1,3
Category 2Article B2,1Article B2,1Article B2,3
Category 3Article B3,1Article B3,2Article B3,3


This content strategy will give the B2B small business the first page of Google search results, and therefore will give to B2B small business the best lead generation tactic in the digital market nowadays.


Digital Advertising

The digital advertising campaign for any B2B small business will be a search advertising campaign. And the right product to do this is Google AdWords Search, which will give the first page of Google search results to the B2B small business every time a person searches for the products and services offered by the B2B small business.

A well designed Google AdWords Search campaign will give the B2B small business a constant flow of leads needed to increase the revenues.

When a B2B small business is positioned in Internet and appears at the first page of Google search results, in both the paid and the organic results, then it will get a permanent flow of qualified leads, necessary for the business revenues.

Following a video about Bloggin:



Thanks for reading and thank for sharing. We will see you in the next article.

Is your B2B small business positioned in Internet? Is your B2B small business executing a Google SEO campaign? Is your B2B small business at the first page of Google search results?

This article was written by Julio Sanoja Rial, CEO & Founder of LeAds, a B2B small business digital marketing agency that you can visit at

You can read our previous article in the following link:


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