Inbound Marketing for B2B Small Business

The industrial revolution produced its traditional media, television, radio, and print media; and companies used these media for years for their traditional marketing and advertising campaigns. The increasing and recent information technology revolution also produced its media, the Internet; and B2B small businesses are beginning to take advantage of this new media for their digital marketing and advertising campaigns or Inbound Marketing campaigns.

In the United States people spend more time browsing Internet than using traditional media, and this pattern will soon be present in all countries. The reason for this change of pattern in media consumption is that the Internet has some features that traditional media do not have such as the ubiquity, it is present at all times in all places, and secondly the user capability to interact with information and to produce information. These features make the Internet the favorite media of users.


Inbound Marketing
Inbound Marketing


Additionally users can browse the Internet through cell phones, tablets, laptops, personal computers, anywhere, anytime and from any computer; and users can share, recommend, comment, like, download, upload, produce, and use the information as they like. Currently, the Internet has more than 3,000 million users worldwide who use daily search engines and social networks.

Internet users spend most of their time on social networks, searchers, apps, news websites, and information websites. Additionally users use search engines when they have a need for a product or service. B2B small businesses must be present in social networks and search engines to satisfy customer’s needs.

The way to ensure this presence is through digital marketing campaigns and digital advertising campaigns; and this is called Attraction Marketing or Inbound Marketing, also called Content Marketing or Digital Content Marketing.


Inbound Marketing
Inbound Marketing


It is producing highly relevant and visual content for users, related to the products and services produced by the B2B small business and publishes frequently and continuously on the company social networks and company blog, thus guaranteeing the creation of communities around the brand and the brand positioning in search engines is also guaranteed. This strategy may be accompanied by advertising campaigns with paid ads on search engines, social networks, apps, and information websites.

Following are some benefits of Inbound Marketing for B2B small businesses:

  • Improve branding and brand positioning.
  • Interactive communication with users and customers.
  • Traffic generation to the company website.
  • Publication of business information.
  • Promotion of products and services.
  • Publication of exclusive content for the community.
  • Post discounts and promotions.
  • Segmenting customers.
  • Improve customer
  • Generate qualified lead and new customers.
  • Educate customers.
  • Build customer loyalty.
  • Generate and build a community around the brand.
  • Share and collaborate with the community of customers and users.


Inbound Marketing
Inbound Marketing


Thanks to Internet, a B2B small business can execute a digital marketing and advertising campaign, or Inbound Marketing campaign, with a low budget compare to what was necessary to invest in traditional media advertising and marketing campaigns, which were almost impossible for any B2B small business to invest.

Thanks for reading and sharing this article. We will meet you again in our next article.

This article was written by Julio Sanoja Rial, CEO   & Founder at LeAds, a B2B Inbound Marketing Agency that you can visit at

You can read our previous article in the following link:



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