Lead Generation Business in Florida

Lead Generation Business Can Work For Any Type of Business

Lead Generation Business Can Grow Your Dream

The lead generation business is not one of the trendiest ways to build a business for nothing; it actually works. Hundreds of small companies that started in either a garage, basement, or living room, have turned to the lead generation business and grew their businesses; tenfold in some cases. In 2015, eMarketer is projecting that out of the $540 billion dollars that will be spent by companies trying to market their products or services, 39.4% of that will be spent on banner ads, rich media, and videos. In addition, the money will also be devoted to embedded email campaigns, paid search, and lead generation, respectfully.

Thirty-plus years ago, this fantastic method of advertising was not possible. If a small business was just getting started out, and were functioning out of their garage. It was near impossible to get your product and service out there to the masses without a “mountain-moving” kind of effort by the business owner(s). Marketing practices such as printing flyers, using word of mouth, going to trade shows and even door-to-door, were really the only significant ways for a company on a “shoe-string” budget to act on.

Some of the aforementioned methods of lead generation for a business have been proven to work, and some are still used today. However, with the invent of the internet and the booming growth of the lead generation business, those methods fall into the “yesterday’s” practices category. They also pale in comparison to the results a small business can enjoy from a well organized and professionally run marketing campaign afforded by a top lead generation business.

Lead Generation Business
Lead Generation Business

Lead Generation Business Can Help A Small Business Sell Anything. Even Something As Simply As A Drinking Mug.

Promotional products, swag, free stuff, business gifts, incentives, or whatever you would like to call it these days, has a place in today’s business world. Even something as common and simple as a coffee or drinking mug can turn into a profitable business with some sound business practices, and the utilization of a lead generation business.

A once small Florida promotional products business named Discount Mugs, started off just like many companies in the world today; right from their own living room.

Lead Generation Business
Lead Generation Business

Amin Rahman Ramjee, Chief Executive Officer, and his partner, Randy Wells, Chief Operating Officer, had a dream of going into the promotional products vertical, but they wanted to change the industry’s  “inefficient and multi-tiered supply chain.” They figured out pretty quickly the internet would be the prime method for this goal and the best way to reach hundreds of potential customers. They were right.

“We import blank products directly from overseas, print in-house, and then sell directly to customers online,” said Amin R. Ramjee. “Traditionally, promotional products companies had large sales forces and catalog expenses. Online advertising allows us to easily reach a wide variety of customers and offer the best pricing in the industry,” said Randy Wells, Chief Operating Officer.

Lead Generation Business
Lead Generation Business

How Did Working With A Lead Generation Business Help Them?

Ramjee and Wells’ marketing strategy was to use Google as its primary lead generation business, and they used the Google product called AdWords. They actually started using AdWords the moment it was made available to the public.

“Since it first came out,” Ramjee says. “AdWords has contributed tremendously to our business growth.”

Today, Discount Mugs uses other Google products such as YouTube on their website where they show videos for potential buyers, and the different angles of each product they have. This allows potential customers to get a good look at what they are considering buying from the website.

“You just can’t do that with a paper catalog,” Amin says. Google Analytics helps the company make smart, data-based marketing decisions. “It’s a very powerful tool that allows our marketing team to dive into the detail of our online ad spending,” Randy says. “Online marketing is the heart of our business and drives our growth.”

To date, their company has experienced a 30% boost in growth, and they now have over 1,000 employees worldwide. They plan to hire 50 more in 2015.

“This is a true American success story,” Wells said. “The Internet allowed a guy in his living room to push out products with great pricing to the market very efficiently. Now we have a 343,000 square-foot building and 1,000 employees worldwide.”

Back in 2014, Discount Mugs were named in Ernst & Young, and Ramjee won entrepreneur of the year in the vertical of Florida Distribution and Manufacturing.

This power team is now taking a more keen focus on their social media presence. If they tackle it they same way they did trying to get their company’s name and product out to the masses, statistics point to them conquering social media as well.

Google By The Numbers and Florida https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/

Google has consistently been voted the best company to work for year in and year out. It is no wonder when you hear beautiful things like all the money Google has given back to the community. In 2014, Google helped provide $7.41 billion dollars of economic activity for Florida companies. One-hundred and thirty-five thousand businesses and non-profits used Google AdWords and AdSense and benefitted from it.

Google also gave away $9,420,000 of pro-bono advertising to 459 Florida non-profits.

If you are ready to take your business to the next level, LeAds can help you create an adverting campaign using the full power of all Google has to offer to help your business stand out from the pack.

This article was written by the LeAds copywriting team. LeAds is a Google Lead Generation Business Agency, specializing in Google AdWords https://www.google.com/adwords/ and Google SEO in the United States. Please visit our website at www.msalesleads.com for more information about making Google Search and AdWords work for your business.

“The data in this article was based on the Google USA Report 2014.”

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