The Lead Generation Company in Delaware

The Lead Generation Company is here to stay as well-known businesses in Delaware have turned to them to sustain business

The Lead Generation Company that Is Best For All Your Business’ Needs

The lead generation company isn’t just here for brand-new start-ups. Well-established businesses have figured out that they too can greatly benefit from the lead generation company like many start-ups do today. The only difference is, well-established companies don’t really need the lead generation company to help get its name out there. They need it more to help sustain all the notoriety, reputation and business they already have. Well-established businesses have stood the test of time because they realized a long time ago, they can’t do it all on their own. Everyone can use marketing help.

Did You Know?…

Today, seventy percent of all businesses are started right from the creator’s home as start-up costs play a major factor. Ninety percent of these businesses will fail within their first 120 days of being in business. Why is this?

This is usually because some people think that to get rich fast, they just need a domain and a website, and the riches will just start to pour in, right? This could not be further from the truth. There are hundreds of thousands of websites that are started each year, many of them will indeed fail. The ones that will succeed and become well-established businesses are the ones who go into the new business venture with the idea that getting to financial freedom is a marathon, and not a race to be won in a few weeks.

In addition, the online businessowners that will succeed do need a domain and do need a website, but that alone is not enough to make sustainable dollars. Savvy owners who businesses’ will reach the title of “well-established” realize they can’t do it alone, and need professional online marketing help. They search and find the top-rated lead generation company that can help them go from “joe shmoe” company to a well-established and well-known industry staple.

Even Businesses In Delaware Which Have Been Around for 39 Years, Still Depend On The Lead Generation Company To Stay Around

The Lead Generation Company
The Lead Generation Company

Wouldn’t you think that a business that was around in 1976, well before the internet arrived, wouldn’t have a use for the lead generation company? Well, a company like this may not “need it” but understands that it’s easy to get clients, the skill comes in learning how to “keep” them. A well-targeted marketing campaign can do just that and already has for one Delaware business called Wooden Wheels Bike Shop.

The Wooden Wheels Bike Shop is a full-service bicycle repair business. It was established back in 1976 and is owned by Tom Harvey. Harvey did not create his company like most owners today. He worked his tail off there starting from when he was 12 years old, and later bought the shop he fell in love with.

“Our slogan is ‘Nothing but Fun,’ because that’s what we’re selling—the pleasure and joy of going out and riding a bicycle,” said Harvey.

The Lead Generation Company
The Lead Generation Company

Harvey and Wooden Wheels Bike Shop had a big jump on today’s competition as they had their first website very early in the internet era. Over time, and with technological advances in the internet, and the way today’s successful businesses do their online advertising, Harvey has had his website updated many times over. He has done this to stay on top of the competition and to reach the new generation clients.

Today, the website for Wooden Wheels Bike Shop was created with today’s busy professional in mind as it is an eCommerce bike store. This is where a current or new client can simply log on to Harvey’s company site, search through top bikes, accessories and clothing and purchase them all with the click of a button.

The Lead Generation Company
The Lead Generation Company

“An online presence, for us, is mostly a way for our existing customers to browse our product selection,” Harvey said. “Whether you sell online or not, the Internet is how people are going to find you,” he adds. “That is how they get to your location. Everybody has a smartphone. That’s the way things work now.”

The Boxer’s Strategy For Victory Being Used In Online Marketing

The very best boxers on the planet, don’t just train hard, then jump right into a ring with a worthy opponent. They train, and then study very hard all the tendencies, good and bad, of their opponent so they know what to expect during their match. And to search for things they can exploit to give them a competitive advantage. Harvey has been in business a long time and understands this strategy very well. He uses Google AdWords and other Google related programs to reach his targeted clientele base.

However, like a champion boxer studying his opponent’s every step before a match, Harvey uses Google Analytics. This Google program allows him to keep his business website current and to learn what techniques he is using that are working, and which techniques are not working. He is also able to see his client’s tendencies, and is able to offer more products in some areas, or less product in certain áreas.

The best example of this is when Harvey spoke about that his Google Analytics was experiencing some website visitors from Pennsylvania. So what he was able to do, was to increase his online advertising there. This could appease to this new market, and could create more sales for Wooden Wheels Bike Shop.

Take Your Work Where You Go

In the deep treasure chest of online marketing tools that is Google, the top lead generation company, a businessowner can work where he or she would like. Harvey has taken full advantage with his company as they rely heavily on Google Apps for Work and Google Drives and Docs.

“I’m in my store, no matter where I am,” said Harvey. “I can work from home, my car, and on vacation.” The bike shop is “totally cloud-based.”

Google By The Numbers and Delaware

According to a Google report, businesses in Delaware as a whole, are taking full advantage of all Google has to offer their business. In 2014, $524 million dollars of economic activity was gained by Delaware businesses. Over 8,900 businesses in Delaware benefited from Google advertising tools. Google themselves, gave away $56,000 of free advertising to local Delaware non-profits to help them out, and their causes through the Google Grant Program.

If you are ready to take your business to the next level, LeAds can help you create an adverting campaign using the full power of all Google has to offer to help your business stand out from the pack.

This article was written by the LeAds copywriting team. LeAds is a Google Lead Generation Agency, specializing in Google AdWords and Google SEO in the United States. Please visit our website at for more information about making Google Search and AdWords work for your business.

“The data in this article was based on the Google USA Report 2014.”

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