Leads Companies in Louisiana are helping

Leads Companies and Google Aid Louisiana Business Bounce Back After Hurricane

Leads Companies and Google Give Your Business More Internet Traffic

Leads companies can help your business website by increasing traffic and, thus, increasing sales. While many people believe that simply setting up a website is all you need, in fact, you need to advertise that website. When you look up something on the Internet, how many pages of results do you look for before settling on a company or website? If you are like most people, you only look at a couple of pages of results.

To get your business or non-profit into those first few pages of results, your website needs to be optimized for the keywords that they people would use. This is a trial and error process that is best done by someone who understands Google and their advertising program(s). While many people claim to know how to do it, it is in fact a more involved process that can take awhile, which is why it is important to consider a lead generation company.

What Does Google Have to Offer in Advertising?

Google is one of the most well known and used search engines in the world, which is why it is essential to work on your Google rankings. Using Google Analytics can let you know where you stand as far as keywords and can help you to come up with some sort of plan. Choosing keywords can be done using Google AdWords to be sure that you are using the right keywords for the most popular searches being made that are relevant to your business.

Louisiana Business Makes the Most of Google Advertising

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Leads Companies

Recovery From Hurricane Katrina Aided Using the Internet

When Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, most everyone was affected in some way or another. The New Orleans School of Cooking has a mission of “Sharing the Fun, Food, and Folklore of New Orleans with the world.” They were founded in 1980 and offer a variety of events, cooking demonstrations, and even hands-on classes that are based in the local cuisine. Additionally, they have a retail store that offers their house brands and other culinary products.

Greg Leighton acquired the business in 1997 and began by developing a website to offer online booking for their events. They gradually moved into e-commerce to sell their products. “That’s made a huge difference,” he says.

When Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005, the Internet was what helped them to bounce back from all of the devastation. Greg says it shaved years off of their recovery by allowing them to carry out business online, rather than depending upon the local business. Greg began to look at growing the business and realized that the tools that Google offered could make a big difference.

“Exposure to all the products that Google has to assist us is tremendous,” Greg says. He is now doing a website redesign that is based on the data collected from Google Analytics, and they are optimizing the site for mobile use and making the most of AdWords, a Google advertising program. “It’s going to deliver,” Greg explains. “With AdWords, our website, and Google Analytics, we really have an opportunity to increase the business significantly.” Maximizing their exposure is a goal that Greg has, and he is doing this by sharing “many video-friendly moments” via YouTube and other social media outlets.

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Leads Companies

“We’re celebrating our 35th year in business in 2015,” Greg says. “We had a setback with Katrina, but we are beyond back on track. Without the Internet, our recovery from Hurricane Katrina would have taken far longer.” The business is seeing a steady annual growth of 10% and they are hiring more marketing staff to help manage the online initiatives. Over 90% of their bookings are now done online, and Greg estimates that anywhere from one-third to one-half of reservations are due to Internet marketing.

The New Orleans School of Cooking has limited space for physical growth, so Greg plans to concentrate on more online marketing to build their retail brand. The online business is “really picking up steam now. If you take advantage of what the Internet offers, I can’t see how you can help but grow.”

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Leads Companies

Don’t Miss the Opportunity to Take Your Business to a New Level

Leads companies focus on optimizing a website for more traffic and sales. They understand the Google algorithms and can work them for your own good. While Google makes it easy for a company to do it themselves with Google AdWords and Google AdSense(https://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/products/), an experienced company can do it much more completely.

Even Non-Profits Seeing Increases In Donations

Non-profits are so focused on getting donations that many of them are stuck in a rut as far as how they raise money. While a traditional fundraising drive can work, it is much more impactful to use the Internet to drive the fundraising or even offer people a way to donate on their own time and ability.

Google Ad Grant program offered 40 Louisiana non-profits free advertising in 2014. This was to the tune of $535,000. If you are not sure where to start, this program can be the key to making the most of your website and making donating easier.

Why would you not want to take your piece of the Internet business pie? In Louisiana alone, $200 million was spent on the Internet. This is a huge amount of money that you could be missing out on if you do not have an optimized website that can be found in the search results. Give one of the leads companies a call to see how they can help your business and/or donations.

This article was written by the LeAds copywriter team. LeAds is one of the most experienced Google Leads Companies, specializing in Google AdWords https://www.google.com/adwords/ and Google SEO, in the United States. Please visit our website at www.msalesleads.com for more information about making Google Search and AdWords work for your business.

“The data and the images in this article were taken from the Google USA Report 2014.”

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