SEO reseller and Google help Pennsylvania small business

SEO Reseller in Pennsylvania Uses Google to Help Businesses Build Content.

SEO Reseller in Pennsylvania Uses Google to Help Businesses Build the Best Content for Their Online Marketing Campaign.

SEO Reseller is possibly one of the best ways for an established business to maintain its marketing team and yet ensure SEO content is constantly being updated to keep up with search engine algorithms. An SEO Reseller is actually a part of your marketing team’s strategy to keep up with the ever-changing world of internet marketing. Many businesses were established either before the internet boom or prior to the days of ever-changing search engine algorithms. Therefore, while your marketing team may be wonderful at providing catchy content or creating an amazing brochure, they may not be able to or understand completely the keywords necessary to boost your search engine ranking. And while your marketing firm may be adept at pay per click advertising, that does not mean they will be able to help your business grow organically. That also does not mean you have to fire them and move onto an SEO rich firm. You may choose to add the expertise of an SEO Reseller to your team. An SEO Reseller can help you:

  • Navigate Keyword for optimal results
  • Increase your Search Engine Visibility
  • Stay ahead of your Competition
  • Stay Relevant to your Clients

…And More.

By adding an SEO Reseller to your team, you are showing your customer base that you are willing to go out of your way to achieve the best results possible. Marketing in any realm is not an easy task. However, it can be close to impossible to attempt to stay abreast of all of the changes to marketing both on and off line. And some marketing companies are too small to hire a permanent SEO savvy staff member, as this may not be the majority of the work they conduct. Yet, when required, they need to have a trusted resource that can be their right hand man and provide the necessary expertise to ensure the content is best for the marketplace.

When hiring an SEO Reseller, make sure their methods and strategies are in line with your overall way of doing business. As a part of your team, if your SEO Reseller is not a team player or does not maintain the same service concepts you have used to build your company, then it is not a good fit, and your clients will not be happy. Therefore, your SEO Reseller must be a trusted source of knowledge and believe in you the way you believe in your clients.

The Webstaurant Store and Google in Pennsylvania

Even a great and successful business requires change to compete in a new, emerging marketing place. Such was the case with The Webstaurant Store. Dave Groff worked in a newly formed division within in Clark Associates. In 2004, his division saw an immediate need to launch an ecommerce site to reach a larger array of customers for their restaurant equipment, cookware, professional kitchen tools, beverageware, concessions food, and all of the other amazing products, that prior to this point, were being ordered and delivered through traditional methods. The Webstaurant store was born and to give it another edge over their competitors, by its association with Clark Associates, they were able to stock and source their well branded quality products in-house.

SEO Reseller
SEO Reseller

One thing was certain: without the internet, there would be no Webstaurant Store. And without Google, none of this would be possible. “A huge chunk of our budget goes to Google every month,” says Charlie Garber, Vice President of Marketing and Development. “With that we are able to reach a significantly greater number of people than if we didn’t use the advertising piece.” The Webstaurant Store uses numerous Google products to assist with operations and advertising, such as:

  • Google AdWords
  • Google Analytics
  • Gmail
  • Google Maps

…And More.

Now, the web presence is boosting the branding of Clark Associates in ways never imagined over ten years ago. “Having our website makes it easier to work with suppliers and to get new suppliers on board. They see it as such a tremendous opportunity for exposure and volume. We grew around forty-five percent in 2013 and are looking to maintain that. From a marketing standpoint, Google is a huge piece. Without Google advertising and Google Analytics, it would be a very different area for us to work in.”

SEO Reseller
SEO Reseller

David knows that without Google and the internet, there would not be nearly as successful as they are. “Google Analytics has really allowed us to keep tabs on where we are growing, why we are growing…and keep a good finger on the pulse of our website.” As a result, The Webstraurant Store can see what is working, what is not, and make the changes as needed, as to optimize their marketing efforts and allow for more efficient growth.

Google By The Numbers In The State Of Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania is part east coast and part Midwest. The vase state is full of America’s heartland, and surrounded by passionate cities that love their colleges, sports, people, and food. As a result, business can thrive as long as they respect the people and do not route for the wrong team, whether on the college field or professional field. Google can help these businesses show their state love and reach their customers quickly and efficiently.

SEO Reseller
SEO Reseller

The Webstaurant Store is one of many business and non-profit organizations in Pennsylvania who benefits from Google’s suite of tools and products. For example:

  • In 2013, Google helped Pennsylvania businesses, website publishers, and non-profits see $2.8 billion of economic activity.
  • That calculates to 47,000 Pennsylvania businesses and non-profits benefiting from Google’s tools, such as AdWords and AdSense.
  • Google Ad Grants Program raised $6.2 million of free advertising to 91 Pennsylvania non-profits.
  • Google Employs over 350 Pennsylvanians in the Philadelphia and Pittsburgh offices. 

This article was written by the LeAds copywriting team. LeAds is one of the most experienced Google SEO Agency, specializing in Google AdWords and Google SEO, in the United States. Please visit our website at for more information about making Google Search and AdWords work for your business.

The data in this article was based on the Google USA Report 2013.

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