What is E-A-T and its importance for audience and SEO

E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-A-T), either for the content creator, or for the website of the main content (MC).

E-A-T is an important variable for the audience, the search engine optimization, and the Google ranking.

E-A-T is measured by more than 10,000 Google human raters, that are constantly evaluating search results according to the content and author experience, authority, and trust.

This is another method that Google uses to measure the quality of the main content written by the author and published in the author or business website.

This is important to understand in order to be clear that the main content of a website must be written by a subject matter expert (SME).

You can find additional information about E-A-T in the Google Search Quality Rating General Guidelines.

We recommend to subject matter experts to write quality content, relevant and useful to the audience.

Subject matter experts can use the Google Keyword Planner (GKP) to know and understand what is the topic or theme that the audience is searching for, and what the audience wants to know about this topic. With these search terms, the subject matter expert can make a plan to write text content that helps the audience to satisfy their search query need.

Subject matter experts must categorize and sub-categorized the main topic he or she is going to write about; and then feed the Google Keyword Planner with these categories and sub-categories to find out and to know what are the search terms, phrases, or words the audience is using to make the search query to satisfy their need. Then, the subject matter expert must write the text content using these search terms or phrases in the content, and also, the subject matter expert must write the content to answer or satisfy the audience need, shown in the search query.

Subject matter experts must write a piece of content for each category and sub-category of the selected topic; and by doing this, the subject matter expert becomes an expert, and authority, and a trustable source for that topic. Google will notice this either by the search algorithm, or by the human quality raters, and as a result, Google will place at the first page of Google search results the content written by the subject matter expert. Both, the author and the website will be E-A-T. Both, the author and the website will conquer the first page of Google, and the audience search query need will be satisfied.

Written content can be articles, essays, chronicles, stories, or research papers.

The importance is the focalization (focusing) in the selected topic, and the other important methodology is the categorization and sub-categorization of the selected topic fed in the Google Keyword Planner, in order to know what are the search phrases, words, or terms the audience is using to satisfy their search query needs. These terms must be used in the content title; sub-title; H1; H2; content paragraphs; hyperlinks; content and images title and description meta tags; to comply with SEO technicalities.





What is EAT and its importance for SEO
What is EAT and its importance for SEO



This article was written on April 23, 2019.

You can read our previous article in the following link:


This article, and all our previous articles, are originally published at our WordPress Blog at https://www.msalesleads.com/category/articles/ , and then they are distributed in the Google search console; in all our social network pages and groups; in all our third party platform blogs; and in our email marketing platform.

About the Author:

This article was written by Julio R. Sanoja, owner and founder at MSalesLeads, a digital marketing agency for small and mid-size businesses in Miami, Florida. We help small and mid-size businesses to go and grow their businesses online; position their brands, products and services online; and get qualified leads and new customers online. We have been doing this for the last 17 years. You can write me juliosanoja@msalesleads.com or you can call me 305-918-9793.

You can read our recent case studies at the following link:


Julio R. Sanoja is a consultant, strategist, and speaker about Google;  SEO;  the first page of Google;  digital marketing; and digital advertising. Julio offers online and in company Google SEO and first page of Google consulting, conferences, training, courses, and workshops.

Our agency has been featured by Design Rush as one of the top 25 SEO agencies that can adapt your SEO strategy in 2019:


Julio R. Sanoja
Julio R. Sanoja



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