Articles about Google Ads and Google SEO written by Julio Sanoja, Independent Consultant

We permanently search, research, read, study, learn, apply and share knowledge about the state of the art and trends of Google Ads and Google SEO technologies. We are a team formed by 3 Google Ads and Google SEO independent Consultants. The knowledge about the first page of Google paid and organic search results is our main working tool, along with the qualified lead generation strategy.

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  • SEO Research and Findings
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Google Quality Raters General Guidelines. Highlights from the July 28th 2022 edition
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Google Quality Raters General Guidelines. Highlights from the July 28th 2022 edition

This text presents the highlights for the July 28th, 2022 edition of the Google Quality Raters General Guidelines document, known as General Guidelines. To read …

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Google IO 2022 Keynote Highlights
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Google IO 2022 Keynote Highlights

These are the highlights from the Google Keynote IO 2022 conference held at Shoreline Amphitheatre, Mountain View, California on May the 11th, 2022. You can …

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LeAds featured as one of the top 10 Google marketing providers
Case Studies

How traditional media and newspapers can make a transition to a profitable digital media?

Introduction In 2019 our agency helped Macpecri Media with its transition from a traditional media to a digital media. This publishing media company has been …

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