How to have an advertising at the BBC, Washington Post, and New York Times home page?

You can publish or display a text, image or video advertising about your company at the BBC, Washington Post and New York Times home page using Google AdWords Display Ads, targeted by Internet user´s country, state, city, zip code, age, sex, and interests, which will make your advertising very effective and efficient. Google will display the advertising only to the segmented audience you request in the campaign. The BBC, Washington Post and New York Times will not charge you anything for displaying the ad, and Google will not charge you for displaying the advertising either, but Google will only charge you if a user clicks on the advertising. The Google displaying is free of charge, only the clicks are charged, which makes the advertising top of mind awareness free of charge. It is a Google Pay Per Click advertising.

We are using for this article these 3 well known media companies (BBC, Washington Post, New York Times) as an example; however, you can publish or display an ad about your company in any newspaper website and almost in any important or relevant website in Internet, using Google AdWords Display Ads.

In the following October 17, 2016 BBC home page appears an ad from an Accounting and Business Service company from Croatia, named Infokorp.




In the following October 17, 2016 Washington Post home page appears and ad from WP Games.




In the following October 17, 2016 New York Times home page appears and ad from the architecture company Foster + Partners.




In the following October 17, 2016 New York Times home page appears an ad from the New York Film Academy.




In the past, before the Internet era, during the Industrial Revolution media era (TV, Radio, Printed Media), if you wanted to have your company advertising at the first page of the Washington Post or the New York Times you would have to pay large amount of money to these two newspapers. Today, you can be there without paying a cent to these 2 newspapers, but only paying small amount of money to Google if any user clicks on the advertising. Once again, the ad displaying is free of charge. This is a cost per click or pay per click (PPC) advertising. You pay to Google only if a user clicks on the advertising.

Welcome to the new advertising era. The power is shifting from traditional media to Google. The power is shifting from traditional media to Internet users.

This article was written by Julio Sanoja Rial, CEO & Founder of LeAds, a digital marketing and advertising agency that you can visit at

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