Online Agency in Vermont uses Google

Online Agency in Vermont Uses Google to Help a Family Business Become a Household Name.

Online Agency in Vermont Uses Google to Help a Small Family Business Expand and Become the Heart and Soul of the Local Community.

Online Agency works tirelessly to help your company navigate Google’s inner workings to promote growth organically. To understand the importance of this service, you must first understand the difference between organic and paid searches and the effects both may have on your business. Organic search results are results that appear due to proper keywords being integrated into the website design in a way that allows Google to index the website appropriately. While money may be spent to help create this search engine optimized content by hiring an online agency, the placement in the search results is not purchased and has therefore passed the requirements Google has in their search algorithms. On the other hand, paid search results are promoted based on the amount of money paid into the advertising arm, and they appear on Google’s page as a sponsored or paid link.

While both types of search engine results can be advantageous to any company, organic search results are typically more trustworthy, though this depends on your business. Therefore, adding an online agency to your marketing team is an ideal way to help build your SEO and gain the trust of new and seasoned visitors alike. In many businesses, trust may be just as important – if not more – than name recognition. For a small family business, a loss of trust will equate to an immediate loss of revenue that may not be recoverable. Therefore building your brand through trust is invaluable. Working with an online agency can help your business:

  • Build brand awareness
  • Maintain trust with its circle of influence
  • Keep up with local trends
  • Navigate the internet effectively

…and more.

An online agency spends its day tracking, analyzing, and learning the ever-changing algorithms of online search engines. Then, they take this knowledge and work diligently to apply it to your website, boosting your website closer and closer to that coveted first spot in a Google search. If you work with a truly experienced and well-versed online agency, you may even achieve that top spot for a given search result. Statistically, most people buy from a company within the first ten results more often than a company further down the list, especially if they have no prior experience or referrals for a product or service.

An online agency can truly allow your small business to become a household name, while maintaining its integrity and its customers’ trust. However, not using an online agency may cause your business to never really get off the ground.

Hidden Springs Maple and Google in Vermont

Sometimes a small childhood adventure can become a larger family business. Hidden Springs Maple started as a small childhood adventure between two brothers and has grown into a family business that now includes two separate but related families. Over 50 years ago, two five-year-old boys started a farm in their own backyard – with their father’s help, of course! “My brother and I started it when we were five years old in the backyard, and my dad jumped in and we grew it,” says Peter Cooper-Ellis, President. Now, both bothers have wives and children, and all of them are involved in the business. The farm includes 25,000 wild sugar maple trees, which produce 8,000 gallon of maple syrup a year. The family harvests the maple sap and sells it both wholesale and directly to the consumer since 2009.

Online Agency
Online Agency

“There was skepticism as to whether we could make it work. But we pushed ahead, put up a website, and started taking orders.” Now, they have over 13,000 customers through their online store, where they sell syrup, candies, and other treats. AdWords has been a huge help in driving site traffic. They even utilized Google Maps to help aid customers to find the brick and mortar store they opened in 2011. The brothers utilize Google in numerous aspects of their business. Some of the Google tools that have helped them grow are:

  • Google AdWords
  • Google Analytics
  • Google +
  • Google Maps

… and more.

Hidden Springs Maple has seen continuous growth every year, to the point they are now selling other sugar makers’ products. “We buy syrup from about a dozen of our neighbors because we sell more than we make. With the internet, we can sell directly from our farm in Vermont to customers in New Mexico and Silicon Valley.”

Online Agency
Online Agency

With the help of the internet, they have been able to put their physical store on the national map, so to speak. “The idea behind our marketing is to tie the web experience to our Vermont store. We have visitors come from all over the country because they’ve seen us on the web.”

Google By The Numbers In The State Of Vermont

Vermont is known for its beauty, mountains, lakes, and maple syrup. It is a state with business-friendly laws and deep-seated beliefs in family values and personal growth. These benefits of Vermont are the reason so many businesses flock to this tiny state to grow. Google and its tools help businesses in Vermont stand out and grow beyond the small state’s borders.

Online Agency
Online Agency

Hidden Springs Maple is one of many businesses and non-profit organizations in Vermont who benefit from Google’s suite of tools and products. For example:

  • In 2013, Google helped Vermont businesses, website publishers, and non-profits see $522 million of economic activity.
  • 7,600 Vermont businesses and non-profits benefited from Google’s tools, such as AdWords and AdSense.
  • Google Ad Grants Program raised $250,000 worth of free advertising for 12 Vermont non-profits.

This article was written by the LeAds copywriting team. LeAds is one of the most experienced Online Agency, specializing in Google AdWords and Google SEO, in the United States. Please visit our website at for more information about making Google Search and AdWords work for your business.

The data in this article was based on the Google USA Report 2013.

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