Digital marketing assets for B2B small business

Every B2B small business should have the following digital marketing assets to execute their marketing and advertising campaigns in order to generate qualified leads in a permanent manner:

WordPress Website, WordPress Blog, Google Marketing Products, Content Articles Campaign, Social Networks Business Pages, Google AdWords Search and Display Campaigns, Facebook Ads Campaign, Newsletter Campaign.


WordPress Website

The B2B small business website is the place to get all the traffic that results from the digital marketing and advertising campaigns. It should be an easy website to navigate, with nice colors, large font sizes, nice graphic design. Easy to find and use Call To Action (CTA).

Website should include the small business products and services and should allow users to communicate with the company through a form to leave their contact details.

Website must have Google Analytics to measure traffic and should be designed with WordPress technology and RWD technology (Responsive Web Design) to fit the screen size of any digital device such as personal computers, laptops, tablets, mobile phones.

Website must comply with Google Mobile Test, and Google PageSpeed Test.

Website content should be relevant to users and should have visual elements, such as images, graphics, tables, videos, photographs. We know that most users do not like to read on the Internet and prefer visual content. It is important to include links to company pages on social networks, both to follow the company on social networks to share the contents of the page on social networks.


Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing


WordPress Blog

The WordPress Blog must be within the website of the company and it is the place where you will publish the article contents of the company. It is the element that will help companies position themselves in search engines and it is where users will be able to find the content they are looking for. Additionally it is the place where users will be able to subscribe to receive the newsletter and leave comments and connect with the company. Call to Action (CTA) must be at 1 click away.

The WordPress Blog should have the Yoast SEO plugin installed to help with the Google organic SEO strategy.


Google Marketing Products

Some of the most important digital marketing assets for any B2B small business are the following Google Marketing Products, which should be well integrated to the other digital marketing assets and well setup and designed:

  • Google Analytics
  • Google AdWords
  • Google Search Console
  • Google My Business
  • Google MAPS
  • Google Remarketing
  • Google Conversión


Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing


Content Articles Campaign

Content is the king in Internet. Thanks to the constant and frequent publishing of articles content with relevant texts and visual elements is that you get to position the company website in the search engines. B2B small business must make a planning, production, and publishing content strategy, either homemade or hired a digital agency, but in any case should always be original content. This content should follow the 5 P´s of digital marketing content.


Social Networks Business Pages

Business pages on social networks are used to publish content and build prospects and customers communities. Users follow the company on social networks and remain informed about the latest developments. They are an essential part of the content strategy. B2B small business should have a business page in Facebook, Google My Business, Twitter, LinkedIn, SlideShare, and Instagram.


Google AdWords Search and Display Campaign

Google is the place where people and companies are going to find suppliers of products and services they need, so if your business is not on the top of the search results may not meet the needs of users. The most effective and efficient way to be in the top of the search results on Google is through paid advertising campaigns in Google AdWords Search. Thus when a person or company is looking for your products or services online, you will appear on the first search results and therefore users will contact you, and you will get qualified leads.

Google knows the following information for each of the 3.400.000 Internet users: age, sex, place, interests. Google also knows the following information of all the Internet content: topics, words, and websites contents and addresses. Here is where Big Data Advertising works again. A small business can setup a Google AdWords Display campaign to display an Ad (text, image or video), to the targeted Internet user or to the targeted Internet content according to the above segmented variables, and according to the small business audience and advertising strategy.


Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing


Facebook Ads Campaign

Facebook offers to B2B small business its 1.400 million users databases for advertising campaigns segmented by different types of variables such as country, city, sex, age, language, interests. They are very effective and efficient campaigns. Companies can get their paid ads to target audience in a very easy, effective and efficient manner.


Newsletter Campaign

Finally, companies must nurture their prospects and customers by sending to them a monthly newsletter with the content published on the blog of the company with news about their products and services and other topics of interest to customers.


This article was written by Julio Sanoja Rial, CEO   & Founder at LeAds, a Digital Marketing Agency for Small Business that you can visit at

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