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Articles about digital marketing for different geographic locations

LinkedIn agencies in Miami

This article is addressed to marketing managers that are searching for LinkedIn agencies in Miami to request a proposal for their LinkedIn advertising and content campaigns. We will list in this article the top and best LinkedIn agencies in Miami

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Small Business Owners in Florida.

This article is addressed to small business owners in Florida to help them find other small business owners in Florida to do networking and to do business together. Before we present the small business owners list, we would like to

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How to do targeted advertising?

How do we do targeted advertising? Let´s take the following example: How do we deliver a message to medical doctors in USA? How do we design a digital advertising campaign for medical doctors in USA? By strategically designing, executing, launching,

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Can Facebook beat Google in the digital advertising business?

Every business, corporation, educational institution, government, and even individual persons need to deliver messages to targeted audiences in specific situations for any given communication need. Traditionally we used TV, radio, newspapers, and other printed media. Now we use Internet, the

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How to use big data in digital advertising

Google and Facebook are the two big players in digital advertising, both have more than 85% of the digital advertising business, which is currently 25% of the world global advertising business, and growing; and both use big data in their

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How to advertise in Miami news websites?

By designing and executing a Google AdWords Display campaign   You can advertise your business in the following Miami news websites executing a Google AdWords Display campaign: The

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Advertising campaigns for Miami businesses

“If you want to reach, you need to Ad” “If you want to reach rich, you need to content Ad” Let´s say you have a business in Miami and you want to do some advertising campaigns for your business, how

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How can a small business reach new customers in the digital era?

By designing, executing, monitoring, testing A/B, and adjusting, some of the following content campaigns to know which ones are the most effective, efficient and satisfactory campaigns: Google AdWords Search Google AdWords Display Google Search Engine Optimization (SEO) YouTube Ads Facebooks

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